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Examples of ovarian stromal tumors include thecomas antibiotics for dogs online 100mg nitrofurantoin visa, fibromas antibiotic tendon rupture buy 50mg nitrofurantoin mastercard, granulosa cell tumors virus replication cycle nitrofurantoin 100mg without a prescription, and Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors virus zero generic nitrofurantoin 100 mg visa. Histologically, thecomas are composed of spindle-shaped cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. They are vacuolate because of steroid hormone (estrogen) production, which can be stained with an oil red O stain. The stromal cells of the ovary are the precursors of endocrine-active cells, so it is easy to understand that neoplasms derived from these stromal cells are often associated with hormone production. For example, granulosa cells normally secrete estrogens, thecal cells normally secrete androgens, and hilar cells (Leydig cells) may secrete androgens. Excess androgen production in females may lead to masculinization and produce symptoms such as amenorrhea, loss of secondary female sex characteristics, and the development of secondary male characteristics, such as hirsutism, temporal balding, and deepening of the voice. Ovarian tumors associated with excess androgen production include androblastomas (Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors). Other ovarian diseases associated with excess androgen production include polycystic ovarian disease and hyperthecosis. Excess estrogen production is associated with precocious puberty in the young and with endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in older women. Ovarian tumors that may secrete estrogens include granulosa cell tumors and thecomas. Causes of secondary amenorrhea include pregnancy (the most common cause), hypothalamic/pituitary abnormalities, ovarian disorders, and end organ (uterine) disease. Withdrawal bleeding following progesterone administration indicates that the endometrial mucosa had been primed with estrogen, which in turn indicates that the hypothalamus/ pituitary axis and ovaries are normal. Decreased gonadotropin levels decrease estrogen levels, which results in amenorrhea and an increased risk for osteoporosis. Because of the decreased estrogen levels, a progesterone challenge does not result in withdrawal bleeding. Ovarian conditions, such as surgical removal of the ovaries, would most likely produce elevated gonadotropin levels due to the lack of negative feedback from estrogen and progesterone. Because of the decreased estrogen levels, a progesterone challenge would not result in withdrawal bleeding. Factors that predispose an individual to abruptio placenta include use of certain drugs (cocaine, alcohol, tobacco), maternal hypertension, preeclampsia, multiparity, and increasing maternal age. Placenta accreta refers to the absence of the decidua and the direct attachment of the placenta to the myometrium. It is an important Reproductive Systems Answers 463 cause of postpartum hemorrhage because the placenta fails to separate from the myometrium at the time of labor. The hemorrhage can be lifethreatening, and a total hysterectomy is the treatment of choice. In both placenta accreta and placenta previa the villi are histologically normal and there is no trophoblastic proliferation. In contrast, gestational trophoblastic disease refers to abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissue and includes hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, and malignant choriocarcinoma. The most common location for extrauterine implantation is the fallopian tube (85% of cases), with rare implantation in the ovary or abdomen. It is always worthwhile to repeat a laboratory test when the result is unexpected. Tubal pregnancy is not uncommon and should always be considered if endometrial samples suggest gestational change without chorionic villi. When convulsions develop in an individual with preeclampsia, the condition is then referred to as eclampsia. These signs and symptoms result from abnormal placental implantation with incomplete conversion of the blood vessels of the decidua. Normally the blood vessels of the uterine wall at the site of implantation increase in diameter and lose their muscular components. These changes increase the blood flow to the placenta and are the result of increased production of prostacyclin (a strong vasodilator) and decreased production of thromboxane (a potent vasoconstrictor).

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To summarize jm109 antibiotic resistance buy nitrofurantoin canada, type A has no fistula antibiotic examples 100 mg nitrofurantoin overnight delivery, type B connects to the upper segment how quickly do antibiotics for uti work buy discount nitrofurantoin 100mg on line, type C to the lower segment bacteria yersinia enterocolitica nitrofurantoin 50mg overnight delivery, and type D to both segments. These defects are dangerous because material that is swallowed may pass into the trachea (aspiration) either directly (types B, D, and E) or indirectly through reflux in that there is a blind upper pouch present (types A and C). Additionally, gastric dilation can occur due to "swallowed" air in those anomalies in which the trachea communicates with the lower esophagus (types C, D, and E). Also important is the fact that any defect that interferes with fetal swallowing in utero will produce polyhydramnios during pregnancy. This condition results from decreased or absent ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus in the body of the esophagus. Varices occur in about two-thirds of all patients with cirrhosis, and in the majority of patients the etiology is alcoholic cirrhosis. The cirrhosis causes portal hypertension, which shunts blood into connecting channels between the portal and caval systems, such as the subepithelial plexus of veins in the lower esophagus. Varices produce no symptoms until they rupture and cause massive bleeding (hematemesis), which may lead to death. Other diseases, such as gastritis, esophageal laceration (Mallory-Weiss tears), or peptic ulcer disease, may cause hematemesis. It is considered an acquired change resulting from reflux of acidic gastric contents with ulceration of the esophageal squamous epithelium and replacement by metaplastic, acid-resistant, columnar epithelium. Microscopically, intestinal-type epithelium is most common, but gastric-type epithelium is also seen. Virtually all of these tumors are of the adenocarcinoma type and they account for up to 10% of all esophageal cancers. Of these carcinomas, 60 to 70% are squamous cell carcinomas that characteristically begin as lesions in situ. Polypoid lesions are most common, followed by malignant ulceration and diffusely infiltrative forms. Tumors tend to spread by direct invasion of adjacent structures, but lymphatic and hematogenous spread may occur. Infants with congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis present in the second or third week of life with symptoms of regurgitation and persistent severe vomiting. Diaphragmatic hernias, if large enough, may allow abdominal contents- including portions of the stomach, intestines, or liver-to herniate into the thoracic cavity and cause respiratory compromise. This results in a functional obstruction and dilation proximal to the affected portion of colon. Acute gastritis refers to the clinical situation of gastric mucosal erosions (not mucosal ulcers). Acute gastritis is also known as hemorrhagic gastritis or acute erosive gastritis. Acute gastritis is associated with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and corticosteroids, and also with alcohol, chemotherapy, ischemia, shock, and even severe stress. Grossly acute gastritis appears as multiple, scattered, punctate (less than 1 cm) hemorrhagic areas in the gastric mucosa. This is helpful in differentiating acute gastritis from peptic ulcers, which tend to be solitary and larger. Microscopically the gastric mucosa from a patient with acute gastritis is likely to reveal mucosal erosions, scattered neutrophils, edema, and possibly hemorrhage. It is important to realize that the presence of neutrophils within the glandular epithelium indicates active inflammation and may be the main type of inflammation present (acute gastritis) or may be combined with more numerous chronic inflammations (active chronic gastritis). Chronic gastritis is divided into subgroups based either on etiology (immunologic or infectious), location (antrum or body), histopathology, or clinical features. The therapy for Helicobacter is either triple therapy (metronidazole, bismuth salicylate, and either amoxicillin or tetracycline) or double therapy (omeprazole and clarithromycin). In contrast, autoimmune gastritis, also known as diffuse corporal atrophic gastritis or type A atrophic gastritis, is characterized by the presence of autoimmune antibodies including parietal cell antibodies and intrinsic factor antibodies. Pernicious anemia is the result of decreased intrinsic factor, which in turn produces a vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia and subacute combined disease of the spinal cord. Histologically there is diffuse atrophy (reduced mucosal thickness), gland loss, widespread intestinal metaplasia, and variable chronic and acute inflammation. These changes are found predominantly in the body-fundus mucosa (usually absent in the antrum).

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