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By: A. Folleck, M.B.A., M.D.

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In totum abstulit terras primum omnium ubi Atlanticum mare est, si Platoni credimus, Syrien et Derasidas " 126 B. So also the Monkey Islands are said to have risen in the bay of Campania, and later one among them, Mouut Epopos, is said to have suddenly shot up a great flame and then to have been levelled vdth the In the same plain also a town surface of the plain. Pyrram et Antissam circa Maeotim Pontus abstuht, HeHcen et Buram sinus ex Corinthius, quarum in alto vestigia apparent. Motus enim terrae sileantur et quicquid est ubi saltem busta urbium exstant, simul ^ terrae miracula potius dicamus quam scelera naturae. Also the sea has made the channels of Leucas," Antirrhium, the Dardanelles and the two Bospori. 0 The Black Sea treacherously encroach has stolen Pyrra and Antissa in the neighbourhood of Lake Maeotis, the Gulf of Corinth Hehce and Bura, traces of which are visible at the bottom of the water. The sea suddenly snatched away more than 30,000 paces together with most of the human beings from the Island of Ceos, and half the city of Tyndaris in Sicily, and all the gap in the coast of Italy, and similarly Eleusis in Boeotia. For let earthquakes not be mentioned, and Products of every case where at least the tombs of cities survive, mlnerais, and at the same time let us tell of the marvels of the aems, emanatiom 1 r earth rather than the crimes ot nature. And, 1 will swear, not even the heavenly phenomena could have been more difficult to recount the wealth of mines so varied, so opulent, so prolific, brought to the surface in so many ages, although every day all over the world so much devastation is wrought by fires, collapse of buildings, shipwrecks, wars, frauds, -! Quibus in rebus quid possit ahud causae adferre mortahum quispiam quam subinde ahter atque ahter 209 difFusae per omne naturae numen erumpens? In these matters what other explanation could any mortal man adduce save that they are caused by the divine power of that nature which is difFused throughout the universe, repeatedly bursting out in different ways? 0 There are also small islands at Nymphaeum " called the Dancing Islands, because they move to the foot-beats of persons keeping time with the chanting of a choral song. On the great lake of Tarquinii in Italy two islands float about carrying woods, their outhne as the winds drive them forward now forming the shape of a triangle and now of a circle, but never a square. Near the town of Harpasa in Asia stands a jagged rock that can be moved with one finger, but that also; resists a push made with the whole body. On the peninsula of Tauri in the state of Parasinum there is some earth which heals all Mounds. But in the neighbourhood of Assos in the Troad a stone is produced that causes all bodies to waste away There are two mounit is called the Flesh-eater. Corn sown in the Arpi district does not come up, and at Mucian Altars in the district of Veii and at Tusculum and in the Ciminian Forest there are places where stakes driven into the gi-ound cannot be pulled out. But the rise and fall of the tides of the sea is extremely mysterious, at all events in its irregularity however the cause Ues in the sun and moon. Between two risings of the moon there are two high and two low tides every 24 hours, the tide first swelHng as the world moves upward with the moon, then falHng as it slopes from the midday summit of the sky towards sunset, and again coming in as after sunset the world goes below the earth to the lowest parts of the heaven and approaches the regions opposite to the meridian, and from that point sucking back until it rises again and never flowing back at the same time as the day before, just as if gasping for breath as the greedy star draws the seas with it at a draught and constantly rises from another point than the day before yet returning at equal intei-vals and in every six hours, not of each day or night or place but equinoctial hours, so that the tidal periods are not equal by the space of ordinary hours whenever the tides occupy larger measures of either diurnal or nocturnal hours, and only equal eveiywhere at the equinox. When the moon is northward and retiring further from the earth the tides are gentler than when she has swerved towards the south and exerts her force at a nearer angle. At every eighth year the tides are brought back at the hundredth circuit of the moon to the beginnings of their motion and- to corresponding stages of increase. They make all these increases owing to the yearly influences of the sun, swelling most at the two equinoxes and more at the autumn than the spring one, but empty at midwinter and more so at midsummer. Nevertheless this does not occur at the exact points of time I have specified, but a few days after, just as it is not at fuU or new moon but afterwards, and not immediately when the world shows or hides the moon or slopes middle quarter, but about two equiit in the noctial hours later, the effect of aU the occurrences in the sky reaching the earth more slowly than the sight of them, as is the case with Ughtning, thunder and thunder-bolts. But these motions are observed more round the coasts than in the deep making the sea, since in the body too the extremities are more sensitive to the pulse of the veins, that is of the breath.

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Although air pollution is caused by introduction of foreign substances into the atmosphere, location and topographic structure also affect with meteorological factors such as temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind, humidity and solar radiation. Unplanned urbanization and insufficient green spaces and the fuels used also affect air pollution. Since the mentioned project area is a tourism center, the busiest period is summer months. In addition, the measurements were made in the summer due to the warm climate of the region and the population declining at very low rates in the winter months. Description of the Study Area In this report, results obtained within the scope of biological/terrestrial fauna baseline studies of Fethiye Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant 2nd Stage Units are presented. The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant and to solve the wastewater problem in the region. Fethiye Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant 2nd Stage Units Application Project is located within the boundaries of Fethiye District of Mula Province and it is planned on an area of 32,657 m2 located on the square No. In order to determine the biological baseline conditions of the project area and its surroundings, an area of 1 km in diameter was chosen as study area. The classification area is quite large and covers all mainland and seas of Europe. For example; shore islands (Cyprus, Iceland, excluding Greenland) and the archipelago of the European Union member states (Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores Islands), and the European mainland covering the most possible east of Ural Mountains including Turkey and the Caucasus. Of these, marine (A) and inland water (C) habitats are aquatic and the other 8 habitat types are terrestrial groups. Information Source the data in this report were created by compiling the data obtained in field studies and literature studies. Analysis of flora species communities has helped to classify habitats and to identify phytosociological units and critical habitats. Verification of 10% of each habitat type during the field studies provided the preparation of the habitat map as a main result. The literature used for determining terrestrial habitats and ecosystems and including distribution of plant species and other information are Akman et al. Terrestrial Flora Turkey, considering the geographical zone where the plant in terms of diversity, has an extremely rich floristic structure. The European botanists who have realized this wealth have come to Turkey to collect plants since the 16th century. The first comprehensive research on the flora of Turkey was made by Swiss botanist Boissier and research results were published between the years of 1867-1888 with the fivevolume work named "Flora Orientalis". Davis wrote the 10-volume "Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands" between 1965 and 1988. In this work, there are 1,146 native families as well as 8,575 native species spread in Turkey. After publication of the Flora of Turkey prepared by Davis, new taxa from Turkey has continued to be published every year. In 2000, Turkish botanists published the 11th additional volume in which newly published taxa were compiled. In this additional volume, the number of taxa has reached 10,754 and the number of endemic taxa has reached 3,708. In the "Turkish Plants List" published by Turkish botanists in the year 2012, the number of taxa and species occurring naturally in the species and subspecies level in Turkey has increased to 11,466 and the number of endemic taxa has reached 3,649. Although it is much smaller than in Europe, the features which make Turkey different in the geographical zone where it is located are briefly as follows: Being under the influence of three different plant geographies from each region (Mediterranean, Euro-Siberian, Iranian-Turan) Effect of 3 different types of bioclimate (Mediterranean, Oseyanik, Terrestrial), Anatolia being a bridge between Asia and Europe continents and accordingly, the continuation of mutual plant migration between the two continents, Anatolia being the gene center of many breeds and sections in our country and accordingly, the number of endemic species being high, the fact that the ancestors or natural forms of many cultivated species are in the position of the gene source, Edaphic factors are very diverse, Ecosystem and vegetation diversity is high, Height difference varying between 0-5000 m, the main factors are that it was not affected by the glacial period as much as Europe. Information Source Baseline field studies were carried out mainly in an area of 1 km diameter.

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Risk D: Consider therapy modification Ammoni um Chl ori de: Ma y decrea s e the s erum concentra ti on of Ampheta mi nes. Herb/Nutra ceuti ca l: Avoi d ephedra (ma y ca us e hypertens i on or a rrhythmi a s). Nurs i ng: Phys i ca l As s es s ment/Moni tori ngSee i ndi vi dua l a gent for Dextroa mpheta mi ne. Peri phera l a cti ons i ncl ude el eva ti on of bl ood pres s ure, wea k bronchodi l a ti on, a nd res pi ra tory s ti mul a ti on. Pha rma codyna mi cs /Ki neti cs Ons et: 30-60 mi nutes Dura ti on: 4-6 hours Abs orpti on: Wel l -a bs orbed Di s tri buti on: Vd: Adul ts: 3. Denta l Hea l th: Effects on Denta l Trea tmentKey a dvers e event(s) rel a ted to denta l trea tment: Tooth di s order; up to 10% of pa ti ents ta ki ng dextroa mpheta mi nes ma y pres ent wi th hypertens i on. Moni tor bl ood pres s ure pri or to us i ng l oca l a nes theti c wi th va s ocons tri ctors. They ma y preci pi ta the ma rked i ncrea s es i n bl ood pres s ure, ta chyca rdi a, a nd ta chya rrhythmi a s. In a ddi ti on, unexpl a i ned or unus ua l drug a ccumul a ti on (res ul ti ng i n toxi c l evel s des pi the us ua l dos i ng) ha s been noted i n s evera l ca s es. The drug s houl d not be us ed i n pa ti ents wi th s tructura l hea rt di s ea s. Speci a l Al erts Dextroamphetamine 5 mg Tablets: Recall Due to Potential for Oversized Tablets - October 2008; Updated November 2008: Dextroamphetamine 10 mg Tablets Recalled Certa i n l ots of generi c dextroa mpheta mi ne ta bl ets ha ve been reca l l ed due to pos s i bi l i ty of overs i zed ta bl ets. Overs i zed ta bl ets ma y conta i n up to twi ce the a mount of the a cti ve i ngredi ent whi ch ma y ca us e s eri ous or l i fe-threa teni ng effects. It i s rea s ona bl e tha t thes e pa ti ents undergo a s i mi l a r ca rdi ova s cul a r a s s es s ment wi thout i nterrupti on of thera py. Admi ni s ter a s s i ngl e dos e i n morni ng or a s di vi ded dos es wi th brea kfa s t a nd l unch. Shoul d be a dmi ni s tered 30 mi nutes before mea l s a nd a t l ea s t 6 hours before bedti me. Di eta ry Cons i dera ti ons Shoul d be ta ken 30 mi nutes before mea l s a nd a t l ea s t 6 hours before bedti me. Thes e products s houl d be a voi ded i n the pa ti ents wi th known s eri ous s tructura l ca rdi a c a bnorma l i ti es, ca rdi omyopa thy, s eri ous hea rt rhythm a bnorma l i ti es, or other s eri ous ca rdi a c probl ems tha t coul d i ncrea s e the ri s k of s udden dea th tha t thes e condi ti ons a l one ca rry. Pa ti ents s houl d be ca reful l y eva l ua ted for ca rdi a c di s ea s e pri or to i ni ti a ti on of thera py. Us e i s contra i ndi ca ted i n pa ti ents wi th hi s tory of etha nol or drug a bus. Special populations: Pedi a tri cs: Sa fety a nd effi ca cy ha ve not been es ta bl i s hed i n chi l dren <3 yea rs of a ge; Dexedri ne i s not recommended for us e i n chi l dren <6 yea rs of a ge. Us e of s ti mul a nts ha s been a s s oci a ted wi th s uppres s i on of growth; moni tor growth ra the duri ng trea tment. Dosage form specific issues: Ta rtra zi ne: Products ma y conta i n ta rtra zi ne; us e wi th ca uti on i n potenti a l l y s ens i ti ve i ndi vi dua l s. Other warnings/precautions: Di s conti nua ti on of thera py: Abrupt di s conti nua ti on fol l owi ng hi gh dos es or for prol onged peri ods ma y res ul t i n s ymptoms for wi thdra wa l. Us e onl y i f potenti a l benefi t jus ti fi es the potenti a l ri s k to the fetus. Risk C: Monitor therapy Ana l ges i cs (Opi oi d): Ampheta mi nes ma y enha nce the a na l ges i c effect of Ana l ges i cs (Opi oi d).

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Stora geRefri gera te; di s ca rd i f l eft a t room tempera ture for l onger tha n 1 da y. A nega ti ve s ki n tes t i s a s s oci a ted wi th a n i nci dence of a l l ergi c rea cti ons <5% a fter peni ci l l i n a dmi ni s tra ti on a nd a pos i ti ve s ki n tes t i s a s s oci a ted wi th a >20% i nci dence of a l l ergi c rea cti on a fter peni ci l l i n a dmi ni s tra ti on; ha ve epi nephri ne 1:1000 a va i l a bl. Pregna ncy Ri s k Fa ctorC Pregna ncy Cons i dera ti ons Sa fety for us e duri ng pregna ncy ha s not been es ta bl i s hed. Ca rdi ova s cul a r: Hypotens i on Derma tol ogi c: Angi oneuroti c edema, pruri tus, erythema, urti ca ri a Loca l: Intens e l oca l i nfl a mma tory res pons e a t s ki n tes t s i te, whea l (l oca l l y) Res pi ra tory: Dys pnea Mi s cel l a neous: Sys temi c a l l ergi c rea cti ons occur ra rel y Drug Intera cti ons There a re no known s i gni fi ca nt i ntera cti ons. Europea n Orga ni za ti on for Res ea rch a nd Trea tment of Ca ncer," Br J Cancer, 1998, 78(6):828-32. The need for a ddi ti ona l dos es i s determi ned by evi dence of conti nui ng res pi ra tory di s tres s; i f the i nfa nt i s s ti l l i ntuba ted a nd requi ri ng a t l ea s t 30% i ns pi red oxygen to ma i nta i n a Pa O2 80 torr. Ea ch qua rter-dos e i s i ns ti l l ed over 2-3 s econds; ea ch qua rter-dos e i s a dmi ni s tered wi th the i nfa nt i n a di fferent pos i ti on. Sl i ghtl y downwa rd i ncl i na ti on wi th hea d turned to the ri ght, then repea t wi th hea d turned to the l eft; then s l i ghtl y upwa rd i ncl i na ti on wi th hea d turned to the ri ght, then repea t wi th hea d turned to the l eft. Pri or to a dmi ni s tra ti on, wa rm by s ta ndi ng a t room tempera ture for 20 mi nutes or hel d i n ha nd for 8 mi nutes. Unus ed, unopened vi a l s wa rmed to room tempera ture ma y be returned to the refri gera tor wi thi n 8 hours of wa rmi ng onl y once. Wa rni ngs /Preca uti ons Concerns related to adverse effects: Tra ns i ent a dvers e effects: Tra ns i ent epi s odes of bra dyca rdi a a nd decrea s ed oxygen s a tura ti on occur. Advers e Rea cti ons Duri ng the dos i ng procedure: >10%: Ca rdi ova s cul a r: Tra ns i ent bra dyca rdi a 1% to 10%: Res pi ra tory: Oxygen des a tura ti on <1%: Apnea, endotra chea l tube bl ocka ge, hyperca rbi a, hypertens i on, hypoca rbi a, hypotens i on, pa l l or, pul mona ry a i r l ea ks, pul mona ry i nters ti ti a l emphys ema, pos t-trea tment nos ocomi a l s eps i s proba bi l i ty i ncrea s ed, va s ocons tri cti on Drug Intera cti ons There a re no known s i gni fi ca nt i ntera cti ons. Surfa cta nt prevents the a l veol i from col l a ps i ng duri ng expi ra ti on by l oweri ng s urfa ce tens i on between a i r a nd a l veol a r s urfa ces. Pha rma codyna mi cs /Ki neti cs Excreti on: Cl ea ra nce: Al veol a r cl ea ra nce i s ra pi d Pha rma cothera py Pea rl s Ea ch mL conta i ns 25 mg phos phol i pi ds s us pended i n 0. Dos i ng: Pedi a tri cOra l: <14 yea rs: 30-150 mg/da y Di eta ry Cons i dera ti ons Ma y be ta ken wi th mea l s. Contra i ndi ca ti ons Hypers ens i ti vi ty to beta -ca rotene or a ny component of the formul a ti on Al l ergy Cons i dera ti ons Reti noi d Al l ergy Wa rni ngs /Preca uti ons Disease-related concerns: Hepa ti c i mpa i rment: Us e wi th ca uti on i n pa ti ents wi th hepa ti c i mpa i rment. Other warnings/precautions: Suns creen us e: Not proven effecti ve a s a s uns creen. Pregna ncy Ri s k Fa ctorC La cta ti onExcreti on i n brea s t mi l k unknown/us e ca uti on Advers e Rea cti ons >10%: Derma tol ogi c: Ca rotenodermi a (yel l owi ng of pa l ms, ha nds, or s ol es of feet, a nd to a l es s er extent the fa ce) <1%: Di zzi nes s, brui s i ng, di a rrhea, a rthra l gi a Drug Intera cti ons There a re no known s i gni fi ca nt i ntera cti ons. Moni tori ng Pa ra meters Hepa ti c a nd rena l functi on Nurs i ng: Phys i ca l As s es s ment/Moni tori ngMoni tor hepa ti c a nd rena l functi on wi th l ong-term us. As s es s knowl edge/tea ch pa ti ent a ppropri a the us e, pos s i bl e s i de effects, a nd a dvers e s ymptoms to report. Moni tori ng: La b Tes ts Hepa ti c a nd rena l functi on Pa ti ent Educa ti onTa ke exa ctl y a s di rected; do not ta ke more tha n the recommended dos. A protecti ve effect wa s a chi eved when beta -ca rotene wa s a dded to bl ood s a mpl es. The concentra ti ons of s ol uti ons us ed were s i mi l a r to thos e a chi eved i n trea ted pa ti ents. Topi ca l l y a ppl i ed beta -ca rotene i s cons i dera bl y l es s effecti ve tha n s ys temi c thera py. Pha rma codyna mi cs /Ki neti cs Meta bol i s m: Pri or to a bs orpti on, converted to vi ta mi n A i n the wa l l of the s ma l l i ntes ti ne, then oxi di zed to reti noi c a ci d a nd reti nol i n the pres ence of fa t a nd bi l e a ci ds; s ma l l a mounts a re then s tored i n the l i ver; reti nol (a cti ve) i s conjuga ted wi th gl ucuroni c a ci d Excreti on: Uri ne a nd feces Denta l Hea l th: Effects on Denta l Trea tmentNo s i gni fi ca nt effects or compl i ca ti ons reported Denta l Hea l th: Va s ocons tri ctor/Loca l Anes theti c Preca uti ons No i nforma ti on a va i l a bl e to requi re s peci a l preca uti ons Menta l Hea l th: Effects on Menta l Sta tus None reported Menta l Hea l th: Effects on Ps ychi a tri c Trea tmentNone reported Ca rdi ova s cul a r Cons i dera ti ons There i s no compel l i ng evi dence tha t s uppl ementa l a nti oxi da nt thera py ha s a rol e i n the pri ma ry preventi on of ca rdi ova s cul a r di s ea s. The rol e of a nti oxi da nt thera py i n s econda ry preventi on ha s a l s o not been es ta bl i s hed, i n pa rt, beca us e of a l a ck of concorda nce between s tudi es, reports of i ncrea s ed ri s k wi th s peci fi c a nti oxi da nts (eg, beta -ca rotene), not ful l y unders ta ndi ng the underl yi ng pa thophys i ol ogi c mecha ni s ms, a nd the us e of di fferent dos es or combi na ti ons of a nti oxi da nts. In genera l, s econda ry preventi on tri a l s eva l ua ti ng vi ta mi n E ha ve s hown the mos t promi s. Unti l further outcome tri a l s es ta bl i s h the rol e of vi ta mi n E a nd pos s i bl e other a nti oxi da nts for the s econda ry preventi on of ca rdi ova s cul a r di s ea s e, pa ti ents s houl d be encoura ged to fol l ow a ba l a nced di et tha t i s ri ch i n a nti oxi da nts (eg, ci trus frui ts, vegeta bl es, whol e gra i ns).

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