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By: D. Snorre, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

It is not used in isolation for ranking and rating property and casualty insurers nature medicine order boniva line. Improve early identification of emerging risks at individual insurers and on a sector-wide basis medicine video buy discount boniva 150 mg line. Enhance effective use of regulatory resources through sharper focus on higher risk areas medications list cheap boniva master card. Enhance the value of surveillance work and establishment of risk assessment benchmarks performed by insurers and regulators treatment urinary retention cheap 150mg boniva otc, who both have common interest in ensuring that risks are properly identified and that adequate and effective control systems are established to monitor and control risks. Better formalize and document the risk assessment process via the use of the Risk Assessment Matrix (which is a tool to assist in examination planning and resource assignment). Coordinate the results of the risk-focused examination process with other financial solvency surveillance functions. Important considerations include whether the chief actuary reports directly to senior management or to the board of directors. However, it is important to know how actuarial information is communicated to the board. Even if actuarial communication is taking place, is the board familiar enough with actuarial methodologies and terminology to make appropriate management decisions? Have the board members taken the right actions, based on the information the chief actuary provided, or did they misunderstand the actuarial analysis? Another important consideration is whether the chief actuary can look at the board meeting minutes and other relevant information to determine whether risk is being adequately assessed. Does the board understand the credit risk the company faces from agents or reinsurers? The board of directors must understand who its actuary is, the tools and data available to it. If certain risks are difficult to quantify, has management at least attempted to categorize unique risks by ranking them. Has the company been underwriting business using appropriate guidelines, or have they used pricing. All of the above questions are important to remember when deciding if management has the ability to identify, assess, and manage risk effectively. Please note that a detailed discussion of lessons learned from management oversight on prior insurance company insolvencies is discussed in an appendix to this report. Benefits #3 and #8 Identifying emerging risks on a sector-wide basis requires a clear definition of which sector is being examined. Benefits #4 and #5 An important part of increasing regulatory understanding while focusing resources on higher risk areas is making sure that the questions asked in Benefits 1, 2, and 3 are addressed in the appropriate order. For example, a start-up company would likely require regulatory resources to be focused on initial pricing assumptions. On the contrary, a company that has decided to run-off certain lines of business might require heavier resources focused on the reserving and claim-handling processes. Insurers and regulators using metrics must also balance the use of standard industry benchmarks. In the end, whether a test provides a range of possible warning levels or serves as a bright-line indicator, it is important that the metrics are clearly communicated so that effective control systems are established to monitor and minimize risks going forward. In this section, we discuss in greater detail how casualty actuaries in regulation can contribute to the risk management endeavor within the framework of the nine risk classifications identified in Appendix F of the RiskFocused Surveillance Framework. For some risk classifications, casualty actuaries can assist in the identification and evaluation of risk. Credit Risk Casualty actuaries have not traditionally been involved in most areas of credit risk. However, actuaries could play a significant role in evaluating uncollectible amounts from reinsurers. Developing economic capital models involves modeling volatility in investment performance. Pricing and Underwriting Risk Within insurance companies, actuaries are almost always responsible for pricing and are often involved in underwriting. Much of the quantitative evaluation of pricing is already being accomplished via rate filing procedures within state insurance departments. It would be impractical to replicate the full rate review process during the risk focused surveillance process. There are simply too many coverages written by insurance companies to review all rating plans.

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Morse, Ferdinand Wakeman Hubbell Professor of Law, Professor of Psychology and Law in Psychiatry, and Associate Director of the Center for Neuroscience & Society, University of Pennsylvania Erin Murphy, Professor of Law, New York University Project Participants xi Jeffrie G. Parry, Associate Dean of Faculty and Edward Brunet Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School John F. Trombley Family White-Collar Crime Research Professor and Professor of Law, Stetson University Maria Ponomarenko, Adjunct Professor of Law and Deputy Director of the Policing Project, New York University Eve Brensike Primus, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Doris Marie Provine, Professor Emerita of Justice & Social Inquiry, Arizona State University Katherine Puzauskas, Supervising Attorney of the Post-Conviction Clinic, Arizona State University Lisa Rich, Associate Professor of Law, Texas A&M University L. Song Richardson, Interim Dean and Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine Daniel Richman, Paul J. Diver Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Andrea Roth, Assistant Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley Michael J. Crutcher Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology, University of Southern California Jonathan Simon, Adrian A. Smith, Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame Cassia Spohn, Foundation Professor of Criminology and Director of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University Carol S. Surprenant, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Alexis de Tocqueville Project on Law, Liberty, and Morality, University of New Orleans Michael Tonry, McKnight Presidential Professor in Criminal Law and Policy, University of Minnesota Jenia I. Turner, Amy Abboud Ware Centennial Professor in Criminal Law, Southern Methodist University Susan Turner, Professor of Criminology, Law, and Society and Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Corrections, University of California, Irvine Steven J. Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center, Stanford University Gary L. White, Professor of Criminology and Associate Director of the Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety, Arizona State University Kevin A. Department of Justice Shi Yan, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Arizona State University Franklin E. For the most part, the chapters are as advertised (so to speak)-their titles accurately and succinctly convey the topic at hand. The goal of each chapter is to increase both professional and public understanding of the subject matter, to facilitate an appreciation of the relevant scholarly literature and the need for reform, and to offer potential solutions to the problems raised by the underlying topic. The preface also mentions several limitations, one of which bears repeating here: Each chapter carries the weight only of its author(s). The other participants in this project have not endorsed the arguments made in each chapter. To the contrary, it hopes to rekindle the discussion with the input of those whose lifework is the study of criminal justice. Bushway, Professor of Public Administration & Policy and Professor of Criminal Justice, University at Albany, State University of New York Mass Incarceration. Watkins/Procter & Gamble Professor of Law, the Ohio State University Mandatory Minimums. Lewis Professor of Constitutional & Criminal Law, Arizona State University 3 4 Volume Table of Contents Capital Punishment. Professor of Law, University of California, Davis Sex Offender Registration and Notification. One is to look upon them as members of a different species, indeed as a type of vermin, devoid of human dignity and entitled to no respect. We should have a realistic conception of the composition of the prison and jail population before deciding that they are scum entitled to nothing better than what a vengeful populace and a resource-starved penal system chooses to give them. We must not exaggerate the distinction between "us," the lawful ones, the respectable ones, and the prison and jail population; for such exaggeration will make it too easy for us to deny that population the rudiments of humane consideration. I believe that this diagnosis and suggestion for a cure rests upon a misunderstanding of the concept of retribution.

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In the discussion below treatment uterine fibroids order boniva with paypal, the committee explores the potential elements of a national and state framework by looking first at the types of programs and approaches that have proven effective at the universal and targeted levels treatment 1st degree heart block generic 150mg boniva visa, drawing on the assessments in Chapters 3-5 medicine list order boniva in india. The committee then examines the factors to be addressed in developing a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of families facing substantial and chronic adversities treatment dvt buy boniva 150 mg with visa. The section is organized primarily in terms of "stages" of parenting; it begins by considering general parental education, and then looks at the prenatal period, postnatal services, services for parents with infants and toddlers, and finally, services connected with preschool and kindergarten through grade 3 education. While the discussion focuses on specific approaches and programs that would be offered to support parents of children at different stages of development, it is critical for many families that there be linkages of services across stages and that support be provided for families in transition periods. General Parenting Information Most parents seek advice about parenting from family, friends, and a variety of other sources (Pew Research Center, 2015). A strong system for strengthening parenting would include efforts at improving access to high-quality, culturally appropriate information on core aspects of parenting for all parents. Both the federal and state governments, plus a number of nonprofit organizations, now provide multiple types of information to parents through a variety of channels. As described in Chapter 4, new technologies can potentially increase access to such information. Ongoing evaluation of the reach of the information and the effectiveness of various means of conveying this information to parents can be expected to improve parental uptake. Some communities are testing the implementation of level 1 of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), which offers parenting information through several channels, but definitive evaluations of this approach have not yet been conducted (Prinz, 2014; Prinz et al. Some public education efforts have failed to achieve some of the main targeted outcomes, such as reducing traumatic brain injury in infants in the case of public education on "shaken baby" syndrome (Runyan, 2008). Additional efforts at providing general parenting information might focus on key transition points, such as the transition to kindergarten. A number of communities now offer such guidance through programs provided by schools, including parent-accompanied classroom visits and teacher home visits. School staff also can help parents during this transition by fostering community among them, providing a channel for peer-to-peer supports. Some high schools include information on parenting as part of health education or other courses. There is a paucity of research evidence on the effectiveness, including the costeffectiveness, of these efforts. As stressed throughout this report, it is important that public education campaigns, efforts by schools, and all other universal strategies target fathers as well as mothers. Support in Preventing Unintended Pregnancies More than half of pregnancies in the United States are unintended. As discussed in Chapter 4, the evidence is clear that children born as a result of a planned pregnancy do better than those whose birth is unintended (Institute of Medicine, 1995; Sawhill and Venator, 2015). Parents whose pregnancies were planned are more likely to adopt parenting practices associated with favorable child outcomes, and child and parent outcomes are generally better in these cases (Sawhill and Venator, 2015). Therefore, systems designed to support parenting would benefit from including family planning as a key component. Cost-effective interventions for reducing rapid repeat subsequent births are available to support such efforts (Barnet et al. Parenting Education and Support during Pregnancy Parenting education and support during pregnancy, for both mothers and fathers, are a cornerstone of any framework of parenting services. In fact, programs offered at this point may have the greatest pay-off in increasing the chances that children will achieve healthy developmental trajectories (Currie and Reichman, 2015). As described in Chapter 4, programs that provide parenting education during pregnancy can be highly effective in increasing parental knowledge and improving behaviors related to producing positive outcomes for children (Currie and Reichman, 2015). Given that the vast majority of women receive prenatal care from obstetricians, family physicians, or midwives (although recent estimates indicate that 6 percent of women receive late or no prenatal care [Kids Count Data Center, 2015], the most obvious channel for providing parenting information and support may be obstetricians or other staff or volunteers at obstetric offices and clinics. Expectant parents spend a great deal of time in those offices waiting for appointments, and that time could be used to provide parenting information in much the same way as time in pediatric offices is being used to provide services and information about generally accepted approaches to effective parenting. At present, the extent to which obstetricians provide such information and support is variable, and little evidence exists on the impact of the efforts of those who do so. Another possibility is the use of group programs to provide information and support. Although one program, Centering Parenting (see Chapter 4), has been shown to improve parental knowledge and behaviors associated with positive child outcomes, the limited studies of other programs have found no effects on parent or child outcomes.

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