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By: G. Thorald, MD

Clinical Director, New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Atrophic gastritis medications causing pancreatitis 250 mg mefloquine for sale, gastric atrophy symptoms 7 days pregnant order mefloquine, gastric lymphoid follicles medications used for migraines mefloquine 250 mg lowest price, and gastric B cell lymphomas may occur medications not to take with grapefruit generic 250 mg mefloquine amex. Differential Diagnosis Increased Gastric Acid Secretion Z-E syndrome, antral G cell hyperplasia or hyperfunction (? Normal or Decreased Gastric Acid Secretion Pernicious anemia, chronic gastritis, gastric cancer, vagotomy, pheochromocytoma. Exploratory laparotomy with resection of primary tumor and solitary metastases is done when possible. For unresectable tumors, parietal cell vagotomy may enhance control of ulcer disease by drugs. For a more detailed discussion, see Del Valle J: Peptic Ulcer Disease and Related Disorders, Chap. Peak occurrence is between ages 15 and 30 and between ages 60 and 80, but onset may occur at any age. Clinical Manifestations Bloody diarrhea, mucus, fever, abdominal pain, tenesmus, weight loss; spectrum of severity (majority of cases are mild, limited to rectosigmoid). Complications Toxic megacolon, colonic perforation; cancer risk related to extent and duration of colitis; often preceded by or coincident with dysplasia, which may be detected on surveillance colonoscopic biopsies. Diagnosis Sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy: mucosal erythema, granularity, friability, exudate, hemorrhage, ulcers, inflammatory polyps (pseudopolyps). Clinical Manifestations Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea (often without blood), fatigue, weight loss, growth retardation in children; acute ileitis mimicking appendicitis; anorectal fissures, fistulas, abscesses. Clinical course falls into three broad patterns: (1) inflammatory, (2) stricturing, and (3) fistulizing. Liver: Fatty liver, "pericholangitis" (intrahepatic sclerosing cholangitis), primary sclerosing cholangitis, cholangiocarcinoma, chronic hepatitis. Others: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, phlebitis, pulmonary embolus (hypercoagulable state). Toxicity (generally due to sulfapyridine component): dose-related- nausea, headache, rarely hemolytic anemia-may resolve when drug dose is lowered; idiosyncratic-fever, rash, neutropenia, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc. Newer aminosalicylates are as effective as sulfasalazine but with fewer side effects. Three types of clinical presentations: (1) spastic colon (chronic abdominal pain and constipation), (2) alternating constipation and diarrhea, or (3) chronic, painless diarrhea. Reported abnormalities include altered colonic motility at rest and in response to stress, cholinergic drugs, cholecystokinin; altered small-intestinal motility; enhanced visceral sensation (lower pain threshold in response to gut distention); and abnormal extrinsic innervation of the gut. Specific food intolerances and malabsorption of bile acids by the terminal ileum may account for a few cases. Onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool aCriteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis. In pathophysiology research and clinical trials, a pain/discomfort frequency of at least 2 days a week during screening evaluation is required for subject eligibility. Associated findings include pasty stools, ribbony or pencil-thin stools, heartburn, bloating, back pain, weakness, faintness, palpitations, urinary frequency. Consider sigmoidoscopy and barium radiographs to exclude inflammatory bowel disease or malignancy; consider excluding giardiasis, intestinal lactase deficiency, hyperthyroidism. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Table 158-2) Reassurance and supportive physician-pt relationship, avoidance of stress or precipitating factors, dietary bulk (fiber, psyllium extract. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as paroxetine are being evaluated in constipation-dominant pts, and serotonin receptor antagonists such as alosetron are being evaluated in diarrhea-dominant pts. Pain: Recurrent left lower quadrant pain relieved by defecation; alternating constipation and diarrhea. Hemorrhage: Usually in absence of diverticulitis, often from ascending colon and self-limited. If persistent, manage with mesenteric arteriography and intraarterial infusion of vasopressin, or surgery (Chap.

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