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By: X. Mazin, M.A.S., M.D.

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Symptoms of liver disease are the presenting complaint in roughly half of affected individuals cholesterol in eggs not bad cheap rosuvastatin 10 mg fast delivery. The most common syndrome is that of postnecrotic cirrhosis with hepatic dysfunction and portal hypertension cholesterol questionnaire rosuvastatin 10 mg with visa. Rarely cholesterol levels over the years rosuvastatin 10mg online, the disease manifests as fulminant hepatic failure; in patients with massive liver necrosis cholesterol ka desi ilaj 10mg rosuvastatin with visa, coincident hemolysis may provide an important clue to the diagnosis. Even Kayser-Fleischer rings are not pathognomonic, because they can occur in chronic cholestatic liver disease. Disease suspects identified by non-invasive testing should undergo liver biopsy to confirm and quantify hepatic copper accumulation. More than 250 mug of copper per gram of dry liver tissue is required to make the diagnosis. Copper chelation (see Chapter 220) improves survival but does not reverse cirrhosis. Once initiated, therapy must be continued for 802 life; discontinuation can result in rapid deterioration of liver function. In patients with fulminant hepatic failure or decompensated cirrhosis, liver transplantation provides effective therapy by correcting the primary metabolic defect. Patients with hemochromatosis absorb excessive amounts of iron from the gut and deposit the metal in many organs, where it injures cells. Only homozygotes develop clinically significant hepatic iron overload; heterozygotes accumulate some hepatic iron but do not develop liver injury. Iron accumulation is progressive from birth but rarely leads to symptoms before age 40. The onset of disease is delayed even further in females, because of loss of iron in menstrual blood and a lower intake of dietary iron. Presenting symptoms are often vague, with abdominal pain reported in as few as 16% or as many as 58% of patients. Despite the variability of symptoms, signs of liver disease (particularly hepatomegaly) can be found in more than 75% of patients. Biochemical abnormalities that suggest hereditary hemochromatosis in symptomatic individuals include elevations in transferrin saturation (> 62% in males; > 50% in females) and ferritin (more than twice normal). However, both of these parameters are prone to false-positive elevations and must be interpreted with caution. Transferrin saturation can be falsely elevated in non-fasting patients, in those with active liver necrosis, and even in heterozygotes for hemochromatosis. Ferritin also increases non-specifically with hepatocellular necrosis and may cause particular confusion in patients with alcoholic liver disease. To diagnose hereditary hemochromatosis with certainty, experts recommend a liver biopsy with quantitation of total hepatic iron. Patients with hereditary hemochromatosis who have clinical evidence of liver disease will have a hepatic iron index (micromoles of hepatic iron per gram of dry tissue divided by age in years) greater than 1. Phlebotomy (see Chapter 221) is the mainstay of therapy and can prevent or even reverse hepatic fibrosis. Fully developed cirrhosis is not usually reversible, although phlebotomy can enhance the survival of patients with cirrhosis. Unfortunately, patients with cirrhosis are at high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, whether or not they undergo iron depletion therapy. Hepatocellular carcinoma is currently the leading cause of death among patients with hereditary hemochromatosis. Family members of probands are screened by genetic testing and by serial measurements of transferrin saturation and ferritin. Because of the high frequency of the genetic defect, screening the general population with iron studies or genetic tests is now recommended. The primary clinical features of protoporphyria are cutaneous photosensitivity and scarring of sun-exposed skin; patients can also develop pigment gallstones, frequently at a young age. Protoporphyria can be diagnosed by measuring elevated protoporphyrin levels in erythrocytes or feces. Patients with the highest levels of protoporphyrin (> 1000 mug/dL in erythrocytes) may be predisposed to liver disease and should undergo liver biopsy. Histology reveals birefringent deposits of protoporphyrin in hepato-cytes and Kupffer cells.

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Weight loss greater than 10% of ideal body weight cholesterol foods to avoid chart buy rosuvastatin 10 mg overnight delivery, almost universal results of cholesterol test buy rosuvastatin now, is usually due to both malabsorption and decreased food intake cholesterol free cheese discount rosuvastatin 10 mg amex. Malabsorption occurs in patients who have a carcinoma of the head of the pancreas that obstructs the pancreatic duct cholesterol lowering foods diet plan rosuvastatin 10mg with mastercard, thereby producing pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (see Chapters 134 and 141). Glucose intolerance from increased plasma levels of islet amyloid polypeptide producing insulin resistance may be present in up to 80% of patients with pancreatic cancer, but in most patients the diabetes is mild. Other symptoms and signs include depression, light-colored stool (60% of patients with carcinoma of the pancreatic head), constipation, and emotional lability (27% of patients with carcinoma of the pancreatic tail). Rarely, metastases from pancreatic cancer of the body and tail to the testicles, temporal bone, or esophagus may cause testicular enlargement and pain, sudden profound hearing loss, or dysphasia, respectively. Ascites, splenomegaly, and peripheral edema may be caused by occlusion of the portal vein by tumor, whereas compression of the aorta or splenic artery may produce an abdominal bruit. As a group, patients with pancreatic cancer have higher values for serum lipase, amylase, and glucose than do other patients, but these tests do not distinguish between pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis. Similarly, serum alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, and bilirubin are commonly elevated, but these tests lack specificity to exclude hepatic disorders. Non-specific findings on the chest radiograph and abdominal films may be present in patients with pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic calcifications have a sensitivity of 95% for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis, but primary ductal carcinoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (curvilinear calcification), benign serous cystadenoma (central, "sunburst" calcification), and solid and papillary epithelial neoplasms can also calcify. If obvious pulmonary or bony metastases are found, further diagnostic tests may not be needed. New tests that have appeared in the last 5 to 10 years are magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, and positron emission tomography. No serologic marker (see Chapter 192) is sufficiently accurate to serve as a screening test for pancreatic cancer. Other markers such as plasma islet amyloid polypeptide and K- ras mutations in pancreatic secretions are under study. The initial symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer are non-specific (Table 140-3). Indeed, most patients with weight loss and abdominal pain, with or without jaundice, do not have pancreatic cancer. In patients without jaundice, the abdominal pain and weight loss of pancreatic cancer may be difficult to distinguish from many other disorders. In jaundiced patients, pancreatic cancer must be distinguished from potentially treatable benign conditions such as chronic pancreatitis obstructing the common bile duct and from causes of extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholestasis. Unfortunately, only 10% of all pancreatic cancers are resectable, and the 5-year survival rate after resection is only 10%. Resection of tumors smaller than 2 cm in diameter is associated with a 20 to 37% 5-year survival rate. Other surgical procedures such as total pancreatectomy and regional pancreatectomy are not commonly performed because of higher operative mortality and morbidity 752 and 5-year survival rates that do not exceed those of pancreaticoduodenectomy. The pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenal resection may be performed in patients with a small cancer of the pancreatic head, but it does not improve nutrition when compared with standard pancreaticoduodenectomy. Adjuvant chemoradiation after resection prolongs survival, and preoperative neoadjuvant chemoradiation is under study. Palliative procedures relieve symptoms of biliary obstruction, duodenal obstruction, or both. To relieve biliary obstruction, cholecystojejunostomy and a gastroenterostomy should be performed unless the cystic duct enters the common duct close to the tumor. To decompress the biliary tree, endoscopic stenting is as successful as surgical decompression and may have lower morbidity, but jaundice is more likely to recur late in the disease. An endoscopic stent should be placed if the patient has a high surgical risk or a short life expectancy (1 to 3 months). In contrast, cholecystojejunostomy and gastroenterostomy should be performed if an unresectable tumor is found at the time of surgery or if the patient has a life expectancy of 6 to 7 months because complete duodenal obstruction occurs in 5 to 15% of patients-usually as a pre-terminal event. Incomplete or functional gastric outlet obstruction occurs in 40 to 60% of patients; in such patients, the combination of a cholinergic (bethanechol, 25 mg three times per day) and a prokinetic agent (metoclopramide or cisapride, 10 mg four times per day) may alleviate the symptoms of gastric stasis by enhancing gastric emptying. No other single agent or combination of chemotherapeutic drugs prolongs or enhances the quality of life. Intraoperative electron beam radiation and 125 I implants do not improve survival in comparison to external beam radiation.

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Surgery is recommended for spinal cord compression in the non-terminal patient if a tissue diagnosis is needed; for rapidly developing neurologic signs; if neurologic dysfunction Figure 199-1 Flow diagram for evaluation of spinal cord compression in the cancer patient cholesterol test instructions 10 mg rosuvastatin amex. The surgical procedure is dictated by tumor location and surgical experience and expertise cholesterol test kit review cheap 10mg rosuvastatin otc. For chemosensitive malignancies cholesterol test san jose buy rosuvastatin 10 mg visa, chemotherapy may be considered in addition to irradiation or surgery cholesterol standards chart discount 10 mg rosuvastatin otc. For the majority of patients with solid tumors, spinal cord compression can be palliated, but curative therapy is not available (exceptions are patients with lymphoma or testicular cancer). Headache, altered mental status, seizures, or a focal neurologic examination in cancer patients may signal intracranial metastases (most commonly melanoma and cancers of the lung and breast). A careful history and physical examination and laboratory evaluation are critical and should guide decisions for further evaluation. If no mass lesion is demonstrable, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis should be considered as the cause of neurologic signs and symptoms and sought by examination of cerebrospinal fluid. If signs of increased intracranial pressure exist with or without impending herniation, intravenous dexamethasone (16 mg every 6 hours) should be administered to lessen cerebral edema. Status epilepticus requires immediate-acting drugs, such as benzodiazepines, and close attention to respiratory status. Seizures, other than status epilepticus, caused by intracranial metastasis are managed by phenytoin (oral loading dose 1 g in divided doses followed by 300 mg/day). Drug levels should be monitored, especially because accompanying dexamethasone therapy can accelerate the metabolism of phenytoin. Other than for seizures, the routine use of prophylactic phenytoin is not recommended for patients with intracranial metastases. For patients with controlled or no systemic disease and a solitary intracranial metastasis in a site not amenable to surgery, radiation to the site of disease at higher doses (4000-5000 cGy) is justified. By and large, a surgically accessible solitary lesion in a patient with controlled systemic disease merits surgical removal followed by postoperative radiation therapy. Patients with solid malignancies who present with brain metastases have limited life expectancies (median survival in the range of 6-12 months), but there is considerable variation among patients. Symptoms, which frequently worsen when the patient lies down or leans forward, may include fullness or stuffiness in the ears or nose, visual disturbances, facial swelling, shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, voice changes (hoarseness), dysphagia, headache, stupor, seizures, and syncope. Back pain may herald simultaneous spinal cord compression by a contiguously extending tumor. Immediate therapy is indicated for impending airway obstruction (stridor) or increased intracranial pressure (stupor, seizure), particularly in a thrombocytopenic patient. Sputum cytology, bone marrow, lymph node biopsy, thoracentesis, bronchoscopy, and thoracotomy may confirm the diagnosis. In most cases, radiation therapy remains the primary treatment, commonly using doses of 150 to 300 cGy per fraction to a total dose of 3000 to 5000 cGy. Cardiac tamponade in a cancer patient may have a non-cancerous cause, may be the first manifestation of malignancy, or may signify disease progression. Prompt diagnosis is necessary because tamponade is life threatening, but successful treatment improves survival. When fluid pressure within the pericardial sac approaches right atrial and ventricular diastolic pressure, cardiac tamponade occurs. As intrapericardial pressure increases, heart rate, myocardial contractility, and systemic resistance increases. If intrapericardial pressure increases rapidly, between 150 to 250 mL of fluid (normal volume <50 mL) may cause tamponade; if fluid accumulates slowly, however, more than 1 L may be accommodated without producing decompensation. Symptoms are non-specific and include shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, hoarseness, nausea, abdominal pain, hiccoughs, and anxiety. The chest radiograph may show an enlarged globular (water bottle) heart and possibly pleural effusions. Two-dimensional echocardiography (see Chapters 43 and 65) is the non-invasive, preferred diagnostic study that provides both anatomic and physiologic information. Pericardiocentesis is lifesaving: it provides fluid for diagnosis; and with insertion of a pigtail catheter, it permits measurement of the rate of fluid reaccumulation and the instillation of drugs for sclerosis. If fluid is hemorrhagic, a hematocrit lower than systemic and the absence of clot weigh against the fluid resulting from puncture of the myocardium. Once a malignancy has been established and intrapericardial pressures are reduced, there are several treatments available. Radiation therapy up to 40 Gy is highly successful (approaching 100%) in treating effusion caused by leukemias or lymphomas; however, radiation is not the preferred course of treatment for these patients because of the potential cardiac toxicity, and systemic chemotherapy is often preferred.

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These patients usually exhibit hepatic fibrosis cholesterol test error rosuvastatin 10 mg fast delivery, often severe enough to cause portal hypertension and hypersplenism cholesterol test instructions purchase rosuvastatin line. Supportive care is given with attention to the treatment of hypertension and urinary tract infections cholesterol lowering foods in kerala buy 10mg rosuvastatin visa. Renal and hepatic transplantation has been performed when these organs fail to function adequately cholesterol chart of meat buy rosuvastatin 10 mg. Both autosomal dominant and recessive forms (chromosome 2q13) of medullary cystic disease have been described. The kidneys are moderately small and exhibit medullary cysts and severe tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis. A history of polyuria and polydipsia, pallor, lethargy, and growth retardation is frequently obtained. The disease may progress to the end stage before the age of 20 years, but abnormalities have been described in the seventh decade of life. Diagnosis is difficult, but in some cases the medullary cysts can be seen well enough by sonography to be definitive. Open renal biopsy may be needed to establish a definite diagnosis in patients without clear-cut medullary cysts. Medullary sponge kidney is encountered most frequently in the course of a work-up for nephrolithiasis. It has been described in association with parathyroid adenoma and hyperparathyroidism. The collecting ducts demonstrate ectatic segments in which calcium deposits may collect. The kidneys exhibit a spongy quality on cut section, which accounts for the name used to describe this condition. The disease is usually noticed in the fourth or fifth decade of life, when it may be associated with microscopic hematuria or nephrolithiasis. The disease seldom progresses to end-stage renal failure, and only then as a consequence of infectious or surgical complications related to nephrolithiasis. The collecting ducts of these patients may have a defect in the capacity to concentrate urine and secrete protons. The diagnosis is made by intravenous urography, which shows the typical striations in the papillary portions of the kidney produced by the accumulation of contrast material in the dilated collecting ducts. On plain films of the abdomen, calcium precipitates may also be observed in the papillary regions of the kidney. No specific therapy is known, and treatment is usually directed at control of urinary lithiasis. Occasionally, renal cysts may be associated with flank pain, hematuria, or fever, and in these cases additional radiographic and urologic studies, including cyst aspiration, may be performed to exclude tumors or infection. Renin-dependent hypertension has occasionally been attributed to a renal cyst that stretches intrarenal arteries. The cysts are thought to develop in renal tubules that have survived the underlying nephropathy and have undergone compensatory hypertrophy. Tubule cell hyperplasia 630 develops in some of these enlarged tubules and results in cystic expansion. This process occurs in sufficient numbers of tubules that the atrophied kidneys begin to enlarge as the individual cysts expand. The cystic process continues to progress in over 50% of patients after the initiation of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatments. Cancer develops in these kidneys at a higher rate than in the population at large. A discussion of polycystic kidney disease written for those who seek more in-depth understanding of its etiology and pathogenesis. A discussion of polycystic kidney disease written especially for practicing clinicians.

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Among patients without overt evidence of connective tissue disease cholesterol test when pregnant discount rosuvastatin 10mg overnight delivery, it is unclear what specifically predisposes to the development of such medial degeneration cholesterol levels lowering purchase rosuvastatin toronto. Syphilis was once a common cause of thoracic aortic aneurysms cholesterol levels for 50 year old woman discount rosuvastatin on line, with degeneration of the aortic media during the secondary phase of the disease producing a weakening of aortic wall cholesterol levels by nationality rosuvastatin 10mg sale. Other rare causes of thoracic aortic aneurysms include infectious aortitis, great vessel arteritis, aortic trauma, and aortic dissection. The large majority of abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms are asymptomatic when they are discovered incidentally on a routine physical examination or imaging study. When patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms experience symptoms, pain in the hypogastrium or lower back is the most frequent complaint. Aneurysm expansion or impending rupture may be heralded by new or worsening pain, often of sudden onset. With actual rupture, the pain is often associated with hypotension and the presence of a pulsatile abdominal mass. Patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms may experience chest pain or, less often, back pain. Vascular complications include aortic insufficiency (sometimes with secondary heart failure), hemoptysis, and thromboembolism. An enlarging aneurysm may produce local mass effects due to compression of adjacent mediastinal structures, producing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, hoarseness, recurrent pneumonia, or dysphagia. Abdominal aortic aneurysms may be palpable on physical examination, although obesity may obscure even large aneurysms. Typically, abdominal aortic aneurysms are hard to size accurately by physical examination alone, because adjacent structures often make an aneurysm feel larger than it really is. Ultrasound is extremely sensitive and is the most practical method to use in screening for aortic aneurysms. Thoracic aortic aneurysms are frequently recognized on chest radiographs, often producing widening of the mediastinal silhouette, enlargement of the aortic knob, or displacement of the trachea from midline. Transthoracic echocardiography, which generally visualizes the aortic root and ascending aorta well, is useful for screening patients with Marfan syndrome because this group is at particular risk for aneurysms involving this portion of the aorta. The majority of aneurysms expand over time, and the risk of rupture increases with aneurysm size. The overall mortality in those who rupture an abdominal aortic aneurysm is 80%, including a mortality of 50% even for those who reach the hospital. Similar to what is seen with abdominal aneurysms, the rupture of thoracic aneurysms has a high early mortality of 76% at 24 hours. The goal of medical therapy for patients with aortic aneurysms is to attempt to reduce the risk of aneurysm expansion and rupture. Aortic aneurysms that produce symptoms due to aneurysm expansion, vascular complications, or compression of adjacent structures should be repaired. When aneurysms involve branch vessels, such as renal or mesenteric arteries, these must be reimplanted into the graft. Similarly, when a dilated aortic root must be replaced in the repair of an ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm, the coronary arteries must be reimplanted. In some centers an alternative approach for repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (and some descending thoracic aneurysms) is the percutaneous placement of an expandable endovascular stent graft inside the aneurysm; however, this technique is usually reserved for high-risk patients. Aortic dissection is a rare but life-threatening condition with an early mortality as high as 1% per hour. However, survival is significantly improved if the diagnosis is made promptly and appropriate medical and/or surgical therapy instituted. Aortic dissection classically begins with a tear in the aortic intima that exposes a diseased medial layer to the systemic pressure of intraluminal blood. The blood then penetrates into the media, cleaving it into two layers longitudinally and producing a blood-filled false lumen within the aortic wall. This false lumen then propagates distally (or sometimes retrograde) a variable distance along the aorta from the site of intimal tear. In Braunwald E [ed]: Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 5th ed, p 1555. Two thirds of aortic dissections are type A (proximal) and the other one third is type B (distal). The classification schemes all serve the same purpose, which is to distinguish those dissections that involve the ascending aorta from those that do not. Involvement of the ascending aorta carries a high risk of early rupture and death from cardiac tamponade, so prognosis and management differ according to the extent of aortic involvement.

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