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By: K. Sugut, M.B.A., M.D.

Co-Director, University of California, Davis School of Medicine

This meant that when spot welding blood glucose homeostasis cheap irbesartan 150mg line, the thin screening material would be sand wiched between the two thicker screens diabetes jaundice order irbesartan without prescription. The second and major part of this talk is related to the failure of hammers and knife bars diabetes prevention training irbesartan 150mg discount. The earlier designs called for mounting of the hammers in the knife bar as illustrated and then forcing the bar into the head diabetes 101 website discount irbesartan 300 mg with mastercard. The hammer or the knives were first pressed into the knife bar and then these bars were pressed into the dovetail slot into the head. Another concern (valid for high speed operation) was that when the fit was not perfect it might affect the balance of the machine. The bars were built up by chrome plating if the force required for pressing was less than 10,000 lbs, and the material was removed when the press fit was too tight and required more than 30,000 lbs, of force for assembly. Before going into any analysis about the repeated failure of the different types of hammers, the following modes of failure were most predominately noticed. Complete wearing off on the top part of the hammer resulting rounding at 1U6 the top edge. Pitting - Erosion at the top part of the hammer (illustrated hammer where there complete hammer, (illustrated is 9 and lO), 3. Cracking at the bottom part of the a change of section 11 or even breaking of the in. In the early stages of design, the criteria for the selection of hammer and bar material was to have good wear and strength characteristics. The important advantage of this steel is that it can be formed into required shapes in their annealed, soft condition and then heattreated to higher strength after forming. In general, corrosion resistance of these steels is generally inferior to the basic stainless steel grade 304 and the cost is also higher. During the operation of these mills, repeated failure due to plain wear, pitting and arosion and also breaking of the complete hammers were experienced. If one hammer broke during processing, it would hit all other hammers causing damage to the rotor, screen and other hammers. Figure 15 illustrates the damage done to the knife bar and other hammers because of breakage. The initiation of cracks and, hence the breaking at the bottom part of the blade or hammer, where there is a change of section from the dovetail to flat, could be attributed to the stress concentration. The breaking or cracking of the rest of the hammers could be attributed to low impactstrength of the hammers at such high value of hardness. The wearing or rounding of the hammer was only at the top where the centrifugal force is maximum. Due to repeated failures, because of one reason or another, the following knife o Hammers made of stainless steel hardened to Rockwell 56-58 were tested without any success. The failure of the carbide knives materials were also tested is also well illustrated in the Figure 16. Later on, it was found that in some hammers the cracks had initiated at the places where the screws were being forced against the hammer. Also, the "area" of the dovetail where the hammers and the knife bar or the knife bar and the rotor was corroded o this could be attributed to the poor corrosion resistance of the material One of the design modifications done As mentioned above, the hammers would break or wear and would need replacement, but the problem encountered in the design was that due to frequent failures of the blades, and hence in resembling all the components the fit of the mating parts could not be maintained. With frequent blade changes, these bars had badly scarred in pressing them out of the rotor. It was also found that the manufacturing and assembly of new or replacement hammers and bars was quite expensive. As it was virtually impossible to eliminate failures which had been caused because of one reason or the other, another approach was tried to at least reduce the frequency of failure the initial cost and the cost of replacement. Hammers were installed on the rotor just by sliding them in the dovetail slot (originally meant for the knife bar)o They were grouped together along with spacers (also stamped) to provide the desired configuration and held in position by end locks. The cost of hammers, hard-facing and assembly on the rotor was significantly lower as compared to the original design of heat-treated machined hammers and bars. As the stamped hammers slide in ifie dovetail slot, therefore there are no close tolerances to be maintained.

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