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In essence all the following types of syncope are "vasovagal," meaning a combination of vasodepressor and vagal effects in varying proportions; the only differences are in the stimuli that elicit the reflex response from the medulla. Vasodepressor Syncope this is the common faint, fully described above and seen mainly in young individuals. The evocative factors are usually strong emotion, physical injury- particularly to viscera (testicles, gut)- or other factors (see below). As described above, the vasodilatation of adrenergically innervated "resistance vessels" is postulated to lead to a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance, but cardiac output fails to exhibit the compensatory rise that normally occurs in hypotension. Some physiologic studies suggest that the dilatation of intramuscular vessels, innervated by beta-adrenergic fibers, may be more important than dilatation of the splanchnic ones. Vagal stimulation may then occur (hence the term vasovagal), causing bradycardia and leading possibly to a slight further drop in blood pressure. Other vagal effects are perspiration, increased peristaltic activity, nausea, and salivation. It should be emphasized that bradycardia probably contributes little to the hypotension and syncope. The term vasovagal, used originally by Thomas Lewis to designate this type of faint, is therefore not entirely apt and should be avoided as a synonym for vasodepressor syncope. As Lewis himself pointed out, atropine, "while raising the pulse rate up to and beyond normal levels during the attack, leaves the blood pressure below normal and the patient still pale and not fully conscious. Neurocardiogenic Syncope this entity, a component or perhaps a subtype of vasodepressor syncope, has received attention as a cause of otherwise unexplained fainting in healthy and athletic children and young adults. As mentioned above, it may be the final precipitant in the common vasodepressor faint, and the term is used synonymously with vasovagal or vasodepressor syncope by some authors (Kosinski et al). Oberg and Thoren were the first to observe that the left ventricle itself can be the source of neurally mediated syncope in much the same way as the carotid sinus, when stimulated, produces vasodilation and bradycardia. During acute blood loss in cats, they noted a paradoxical bradycardia that was preceded by increased afferent activity in autonomic fibers arising from the ventricles of the heart, a reaction that could be eliminated by sectioning these nerves. A number of stimuli, mostly from the viscera but some of psychologic origin, are capable of eliciting this response, which consists of a reduction or loss of sympathetic vascular tone coupled with a heightened vagal activity. Several lines of study suggest that there are disturbances of both sympathetic control of vascular tone and also of the responsiveness of baroreceptors. By the use of microneurography, Wallin and Sundlof have demonstrated an increase in sympathetic outflow in peripheral nerves just prior to syncope as would be expected; this activity then ceases at the onset of fainting. Unmyelinated (postganglionic sympathetic) fibers cease firing during vasovagal fainting at a point when the blood pressure falls below 80/40 mmHg and the pulse below 60. This would signify that there is an initial attempt to compensate for the falling blood pressure, following which there is a centrally mediated withdrawal of sympathetic activity. More recently, Bechir has shown that muscle sympathetic activity as assessed using microneurography is increased in the resting state in patients with orthostatic hypotension and, importantly, does not increase further with venous pooling (induced by lower-body negative pressure). Moreover, in the same patients, the response of the cardiac baroreceptors to pooling was significantly diminished. These data are partially in agreement with those of Wallin and Sundlof, although they are not in accord with an initial increase in sympathetic activity prior to syncope. The clear implication of such studies is that the ability of the sympathetic nervous system to compensate for falling blood pressure is impaired, although it is not clear whether the primary defect is at the level of the baroreceptor afferents, the nucleus solitarius, or the sympathetic effector neurons. There is agreement that peripheral vascular resistance is greatly reduced just prior to and at the onset of fainting. This drop in resistance has been attributed by some to an initial adrenergic discharge that, at high levels, causes a vasodilation (rather than constriction) in intramuscular blood vessels.

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Some cases have shown an inflammatory pathology most suggestive of a postinfectious process (see Chap asthmatic bronchitis steroids buy advair diskus 250mcg on-line. Multiplication of the virus in epidermal cells causes swelling asthma attack symptoms cheap advair diskus 250 mcg free shipping, vacuolization asthma morbidity definition discount generic advair diskus uk, and lysis of cell boundaries asthma treatment ed advair diskus 500mcg without a prescription, leading to the formation of vesicles and so-called Lipschutz inclusion bodies. Alternatively, the ganglia could be infected during the viremia of chickenpox, but then one would have to explain why only one or a few sensory ganglia become infected. Clinical Features As indicated above, the incidence of herpes zoster rises with age. Hope-Simpson has estimated that if a cohort of 1000 people lived to 85 years of age, half would have had one attack of zoster and 10 would have had two attacks. Herpes zoster occurs in up to 10 percent of patients with lymphoma and 25 percent of patients with Hodgkin disease- particularly in those who have undergone splenectomy or received radiotherapy. Conversely, about 5 percent of patients who present with herpes zoster are found to have a concurrent malignancy (about twice the number that would be expected), and the proportion appears to be even higher if more than two adjacent dermatomes are involved. The vesicular eruption is usually preceded for several days by itching, tingling, or burning sensations in the involved dermatome(s), and sometimes by malaise and fever as well. Or there is severe localized or radicular pain that may be mistaken for pleurisy, appendicitis, cholecystitis, or, quite often, ruptured intervertebral disc, until the diagnosis is clarified by the appearance of vesicles (nearly always within 72 to 96 h). The rash consists of clusters of tense clear vesicles on an erythematous base, which become cloudy after a few days (due to accumulation of inflammatory cells) and dry, crusted, and scaly after 5 to 10 days. In a small number of patients, the vesicles are confluent and hemorrhagic, and healing is delayed for several weeks. In most cases pain and dysesthesia last for 1 to 4 weeks; but in the others (7 to 33 percent in different series) the pain persists for months or, in different forms, even for years and presents a difficult problem in management. Impairment of superficial sensation in the affected dermatome(s) is common, and segmental weakness and atrophy are added in about 5 percent of patients. In the majority of patients the rash and sensorimotor signs are limited to the territory of a single dermatome, but in some, particularly those with cranial or limb involvement, two or more contiguous dermatomes are involved. Rarely (and usually in association with malignancy) the rash is generalized, like that of chickenpox, or altogether absent. The thoracic dermatomes, particularly T5 to T10, are the most common sites, accounting for more than two-thirds of all cases, followed by the craniocervical regions. In the latter cases the disease tends to be more severe, with greater pain, more frequent meningeal signs, and involvement of the mucous membranes. There are two rather characteristic cranial herpetic syndromes- ophthalmic herpes and so-called geniculate herpes. In ophthalmic herpes, which accounts for 10 to 15 percent of all cases of zoster, the pain and rash are in the distribution of the first division of the trigeminal nerve, and the pathologic changes are centered in the gasserian ganglion. The main hazard in this form of the disease is herpetic involvement of the cornea and conjunctiva, resulting in corneal anesthesia and residual scarring. Palsies of extraocular muscles, ptosis, and mydriasis are frequently associated, indicating that the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves are affected in addition to the gasserian ganglion. A less common but also characteristic cranial nerve syndrome consists of a facial palsy in combination with a herpetic eruption of the external auditory meatus, sometimes with tinnitus, vertigo, and deafness. Ramsay Hunt (whose name has been attached to the syndrome) attributed this syndrome to herpes of the geniculate ganglion. Denny-Brown and Adams found the geniculate ganglion to be only slightly affected in a man who died 64 days after the onset of a so-called Ramsay Hunt syndrome (during which time the patient had recovered from the facial palsy); there was, however, inflammation of the facial nerve. Herpes zoster of the palate, pharynx, neck, and retroauricular region (herpes occipitocollaris) depends on herpetic infection of the upper cervical roots and the ganglia of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. Herpes zoster in this distribution may also be associated with the Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Encephalitis and cerebral angiitis are rare but well-described complications of cervicocranial zoster, as discussed below, and a restricted but destructive myelitis is a similarly rare but often quite serious complication of thoracic zoster. Devinsky and colleagues reported their findings in 13 patients with zoster myelitis (all of them immunocompromised) and reviewed the literature on this subject. The signs of spinal cord involvement appeared 5 to 21 days after the rash and then progressed for a similar period of time.

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Damage tends to occur at the transition point between the fixed and mobile portions asthma symptoms 18 month old buy 250 mcg advair diskus with visa. This is the isthmus and is just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery asthma treatment steps buy advair diskus 250mcg low price. Damage to the aorta may also be caused by direct laceration from a displaced thoracic vertebral fracture asthma 97 oxygen buy advair diskus with amex. Diagnosis this requires a high index of suspicion as patients who may have this injury present urgently to the operating room for surgical management of other life threatening injuries before appropriate investigations can be completed asthma gif purchase advair diskus 250mcg with visa. They may complain of intrascapular or retrosternal pain but there may be a great deal of other distracting injuries. Delaying surgery required for other life or limb threatening injuries in patients with traumatic disruption of the thoracic aorta will lead to significant morbidity and mortality from the associated injuries. Definitive diagnosis is by aortography which frequently must wait until life and limb threatening injuries have been dealt with. Once the patient has achieved haemodynamic and respiratory stability, investigation and management of the aortic injury can take place. If aortic injury is suspected or present during an urgent surgical procedure the blood pressure should be continuously monitored. Hypertensive episodes should be avoided and mean arterial pressure should be maintained between 70 and 80 mmHg with the use of beta blockers and vasodilators. Meticulous control of blood pressure is especially important during intra-hospital transfer to definitive cardiothoracic care. The classical signs of laryngeal injury include; hoarseness, subcutaneous emphysema in the neck and haemoptysis. Even in the absence of airway compromise, examination of the upper airway by endoscopy and computed tomography is necessary to determine the degree of injury and predict whether airway obstruction could occur. Patients arriving with laryngeal injuries and an apparently normal airway may develop upper airway obstruction within hours of admission. Early tracheal intubation may be required depending on the findings at laryngoscopy. Repeated attempts to intubate the trachea via the oral route may worsen the injury and render further attempts to secure the airway via any means extremely difficult. A direct blow to the neck often causing hyperextension can cause fracture of the hyoid bone or thyroid cartilage or laryngeal disruption 343 Ref. Many patients with this injury, typically have a knife wound to the neck or have sustained a rapid deceleration injury with effects on the intra-thoracic contents such as the traction on the trachea pulling it off the lungs. Haemoptysis and subcutaneous emphysema should alert the anaesthetist to the possibility of this injury. Radiographic findings of an intra-thoracic tracheobronchial injury are pneumothorax and mediastinal emphysema. A tracheobronchial injury should be seriously considered when a patient has a pneumothorax with a massive air leak that is not evacuated by insertion of a chest tube. Many patients will require control of the airway with tracheal intubation because of the tracheobronchial or other associated injuries. Intubation is ideally performed with the aid of fibreoptic bronchoscopy to aid in tube placement and to properly examine and evaluate the injury. Some patients with injuries in the main bronchi may require lung isolation with a double lumen tube because of large air leaks, bronchopleural fistuale or haemoptysis. This allows ventilation of the intact lung while allowing bronchoscopy to examine the ruptured side. Oesophageal Rupture Rupture of the oesophagus in blunt trauma patients is relatively rare but is more frequently seen in penetrating trauma. Rapid Risk areas for blunt and penetrating tracheal trauma compression of the abdomen in blunt trauma leads to a rise in intra-oesophageal pressure and bursting tear to the oesophagus. Trauma to the oesophagus is potentially lethal, in fact the mortality is nearly 100% if the diagnosis is delayed past 24 344 hours, as contamination of the mediastinal space with gastric content leads to florid mediastinitis and subsequent necrosis. These patients require urgent surgical assessment and repair if the otherwise high mortality is to be avoided.

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In spinal cord lesions that involve the corticospinal tract asthma exacerbation definition cheap advair diskus 500 mcg online, the dorsal reticulospinal tract is usually involved as well asthma pregnancy cheap advair diskus 250 mcg. If the latter tract is spared asthma treatment for patient with feeding tube cheap advair diskus, only paresis hyperresponsiveness asthma definition order advair diskus in india, loss of support reflexes, and possibly release of flexor reflexes (Babinski phenomenon) occur. Pantano and colleagues have suggested that primary involvement of the lentiform nucleus and thalamus is the feature that determines the persistence of flaccidity after stroke, but the anatomic and physiologic evidence for this view is insecure. Numerous monographs and articles have been written about the sign: a quite comprehensive one, by van Gijn, and a classic but more arcane one by Fulton and Keller. A movement resembling the Babinski sign is present in normal infants, but its definite persistence or emergence in late infancy and childhood or later in life is an invariable indicator of a lesion at some level of the corticospinal tract. In its essential form, the sign consists of extension of the large toe and extension and fanning of the other toes during and immediately after stroking the lateral plantar surface of the foot. The stimulus is applied along the dorsum of the foot from the lateral heel and sweeping upward and across the ball of the foot. Several dozen surrogate responses (with numerous eponyms) have been described over the years, most utilizing alternative sites and types of stimulation, but all have the same significance as the classic response. Clinical and electrophysiologic observations indicate that the extension movement of the toe is a component of a larger synergistic flexion or shortening reflex of the leg- i. The nociceptive spinal flexion reflexes, of which the Babinski sign is a part, are common accompaniments but not essential components of spasticity. They, too, are exaggerated because of disinhibition or release of motor programs of spinal origin. Important characteristics of these responses are their capacity to be induced by weak superficial stimuli (such as a series of pinpricks) and their tendency to persist after the stimulation ceases. In their most complete form, a nocifensive flexor synergy occurs, involving flexion of the knee and hip and dorsiflexion of the foot and big toe (triple flexion response). With incomplete suprasegmental lesions, the response may be fractionated; for example, the hip and knee may flex but the foot may not dorsiflex, or vice versa. In the more chronic stages of hemiplegia, the upper limb is characteristically held stiffly in partial flexion. The hyperreflexic state that characterizes spasticity may take the form of clonus, a series of rhythmic involuntary muscular contractions occurring at a frequency of 5 to 7 Hz in response to an abruptly applied and sustained stretch stimulus. It is usually designated in terms of the part of the limb to which the stimulus is applied. The frequency is constant within 1 Hz and is not appreciably modified by altering peripheral or central nervous system activities. Clonus depends for its elicitation on an appropriate degree of muscle relaxation, integrity of the spinal stretch reflex mechanisms, sustained hyperexcitability of alpha and gamma motor neurons (suprasegmental effects), and synchronization of the contraction-relaxation cycle of muscle spindles. The cutaneomuscular abdominal and cremasteric reflexes are usually abolished in these circumstances, and a Babinski sign is usually but not invariably present. Spread, or irradiation of reflexes, is regularly associated with spasticity, although the latter phenomenon may be observed to a slight degree in normal persons with brisk tendon reflexes. Tapping of the radial periosteum, for example, may elicit a reflex contraction not only of the brachioradialis but also of the biceps, triceps, or finger flexors. This spread of reflex activity is probably due not to an irradiation of impulses in the spinal cord, as is often taught, but to the propagation of a vibration wave from bone to muscle, stimulating the excitable muscle spindles in its path (Lance). The same mechanism is probably operative in other manifestations of the hyperreflexic state, such as the Hoffmann sign and the crossed adductor reflex of the thigh muscles. Also, reflexes may be "inverted," as in the case of a lesion of the fifth or sixth cervical segment; here the biceps and brachioradialis reflexes are abolished and only the triceps and finger flexors, whose reflex arcs are intact, respond to a tap over the distal radius. In addition to hyperactive phasic myotatic reflexes ("tendon jerks"), certain lesions, particularly of the cervical segments of the spinal cord, may result in great enhancement of tonic myotatic reflexes. These are stretch reflexes in which a stimulus produces a prolonged asynchronous discharge of motor neurons, causing sustained muscle contraction. As the patient stands or attempts voluntary movement, the entire limb may become involved in intense muscular spasm, sometimes lasting for several minutes.

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In a few of the cases of meningeal carcinomatosis asthma va rating purchase advair diskus 500 mcg visa, there are also parenchymal brain metastases asthma or copd buy 500mcg advair diskus free shipping. Also known is a rare primary malignant melanoma of the meninges that acts in a similar way to carcinomatous meningitis asthma treatment with young living oils purchase advair diskus american express. The prognosis for this condition is quite poor (lymphomatous infiltration is an exception); seldom does the patient survive more than 1 to 3 months asthma symptoms in 1 yr old buy advair diskus 500 mcg, perhaps longer by several weeks if treatment is successful. An encephalopathy due to widespread infiltration of the cerebral meninges is a particularly malevolent sign. Treatment this consists of radiation therapy to the symptomatic areas (cranium, posterior fossa, or spine), followed in selected cases by the intraventricular administration of methotrexate; but these measures rarely stabilize neurologic symptoms for more than a few weeks. The methotrexate is administered into the lateral ventricle via an Ommaya reservoir (10 mg diluted in water) or into the lumbar subarachnoid space through a lumbar puncture needle (12 to 15 mg). Several regimens have been devised, including daily instillation for 3 to 4 days followed by radiation, or methotrexate doses on days 1, 4, 8, 11, and 15. Involvement of the cranial nerves or an encephalopathy due to widespread infiltration of the cranial meninges is treated with whole-brain radiation, 3000 cGy, given in fractions of 300 cGy per day for 10 days. Spinal root infiltration responds to spinal radiation, and regional treatments are helpful temporarily for local seeding of the lumbar roots. The median duration of survival after diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis was 6 months in the large series reported by Wasserstrom and colleagues but only 43 days in the series of Sorenson and coworkers. The leukoencephalopathy that may follow the combined use of intrathecal methotrexate and radiation therapy is described below. The best response to treatment occurs in patients with lymphoma and breast and small-cell lung cancers; cases of meningeal infiltration by other lung cancers, melanoma, and adenocarcinoma do poorly. Involvement of the Nervous System in Leukemia Almost onethird of all leukemic patients have evidence of diffuse infiltration of the leptomeninges and cranial and spinal nerve roots at autopsy (Barcos et al). The incidence is greater in acute than in chronic leukemia and greater in lymphocytic than in myelocytic leukemia; it is also far more frequent in children than in adults. The highest incidence is in children with acute lymphocytic (lymphoblastic) leukemia who relapse after treatment with combination chemotherapy (60 to 70 percent at time of death). Depending on the severity of meningeal involvement, transgression of the pial-glial membrane eventually occurs, with varying degrees of superficial parenchymal infiltration by collections of leukemic cells. Hemorrhages of varying sizes are another common complication and are sometimes lethal. Chloroma, a solid green-colored mass of myelogenous leukemic cells, may affect the dura or, less often the brain, but it is distinctly uncommon. Cranial irradiation, combined with methotrexate given intrathecally or intravenously, has been effective in the prevention and treatment of meningeal involvement in childhood leukemia. However, in a significant number of patients, it has given rise to a distinctive necrotizing leukoencephalopathy. This neurologic complication may appear within several days to months after the last administration of methotrexate and several months after completion of radiotherapy (Robain et al). The leukoencephalopathy occurs most frequently and is most severe when all three modalities of treatment, i. The initial symptoms- consisting of apathy, drowsiness, depression of consciousness, and behavioral disorders- evolve over a few weeks to include cerebellar ataxia, spasticity, pseudobulbar palsy, extrapyramidal motor abnormalities, and akinetic mutism. In some patients the condition stabilizes or improves, with corresponding resolution of the lesions. More often the patient is left with severe persistent sequelae; in most, death occurs within several weeks or months of onset. Throughout the cerebral white matter and to a lesser extent in the brainstem, there are foci of coagulation necrosis of varying size and severity. In the smaller lesions, a perivascular topography of tissue disintegration is evident. It has been speculated that radiation breaks down the blood-brain barrier, allowing methotrexate to injure myelin. Lack of circulation in the necrotic zones prevents the usual liquefaction and eventual cavitation.

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