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Medline, Embase, and Cochrane databases were searched, but other specialty or regional databases were not. However, any important studies known to domain experts that were missed by the electronic literature searches were added to retrieved articles and reviewed by the Work Group. Similarly, Supplementary Appendix B demonstrates the level of concurrence with which this guideline corresponds to the Institute of MedicineХs standards for systematic reviews and guidelines. Jadoul trained in internal medicine and nephrology under the mentorship of Professor Charles van Ypersele de Strihou. Jadoul has co-authored over 230 scientific papers, most of them published in major nephrology journals. Consultant: Astellas, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Grant/research support: Alexion, Amgen, Janssen-Cilag, Merck Sharp & Dohme Otsuka, Roche Speaker: AbbVie, Amgen, Menarini, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Travel: Amgen All monies paid to institution. He graduated from medical school at University College, Dublin, Ireland and trained in internal medicine and gastroenterology in Dublin and in Canada. He was a Kidney International Supplements (2018) 8, 91Р165 medical staff fellow in the Liver Unit of the National Institutes of Health, where he trained with Dr. He is Editor-in-Chief of Liver Transplantation and co-editor of Handbook of Liver Disease. Martin was previously a councilor for the American Society of Transplantation and has had a long-standing interest in viral hepatitis and organ transplantation. He was the Sheila Sherlock Lecturer for the Internal Association for the Study of Liver Disease in 2004 and received the Charles Trey Award from the American Liver Foundation in 2001. Board member: AbbVie, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb Grant/research support: AbbVie*, Bristol-Myers Squibb*, Gilead*, Merck* *Monies paid to institution. She was trained in medicine at the University of Valencia before completing a fellowship at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center / University of California, San Francisco, with Dr. She is also an active committee member for several national and international hepatology and liver transplantation societies. Berenguer previously served as associate editor for the Journal of Hepatology and Liver Transplantation until December 2014, and is now deputy editor for Transplantation. She has authored more than 300 publications in peerreviewed journals as well as over 70 chapters in international and national textbooks. Consultant: AbbVie, Gilead, Merck Sharp & Dohme Grant/research support: Gilead* Speaker: AbbVie, Astellas, Gilead, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis *Monies paid to institution. Doss became the Head of the National Hepatology Institute, Cairo, from 2006 through 2015, and he is presently the Head of the National Committee for the Control of Viral Hepatitis since 2006. Together with his colleagues, he established and supervised one of the most comprehensive hepatitis treatment programs worldwide, which has received acclaim from local and international organizations including the World Health Organization. Doss is a founding member of the gastrointestinal endoscopy unit at Kasr El Aini Hospital, Cairo University, and maintains a special interest in therapeutic endoscopic procedures. He has received grants from the Italian Society of Nephrology and fellowships from the Society of ItalianAmerican Nephrologists as support for his research projects. He currently serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Artificial Organs and the Journal of Nephrology, and has authored more than 250 publications in peer-reviewed journals such as Kidney International, the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, and the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, among others. Board member: AbbVie, Merck Sharp & Dohme Consultant: AbbVie Jacques Izopet, PharmD, PhD, is professor of virology at Toulouse University and head of the Federative Institute of Biology at Toulouse University Hospital, France. Jha focuses on the study of emerging public health threats globally and in India, and in finding solutions using innovative methodologies appropriate for emerging countries. He currently spearheads research projects in more than 20 countries with a particular interest in the understanding of global burden of kidney diseases, the social- and diseaserelated drivers of diseases and their determinants of outcome.

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R e c o u n ts in g r e a t d e ta il the c o n s tr u c ti o n of the Honolulu C h u rc h b eginning in 1825 and the p ro b le m s f a c e d b e f o r e i ts c o m p le tio n. D e s c rib e s d e v e lo p m e n t of lan dholding, e s p e c ia lly un d e r K a m e h a m e h a I who used i t to a c c u m u l a t e w e a lth and as a m e a n s of p o litic a lly binding the c h ie f s and the c o m m o n e r s to him. R e v ie w s the land r ig h ts, i n t e r e s t s, and r e s t r i c t i o n s e x is tin g a t e a c h lev e l of H a w aiian s o c ie ty. S ta n fo r d, C a lif o r n ia: C o m p r e h e n s iv e h is to r ic a l i n tr o d u c tio n on th e study of land the n u r. Includes s e c tio n e n t i t l e d "L and Transactions of A m e ric a n M issionaries. D e ta ils and p h o to s of Q u e e n L iliu o k a la n i as she lies in s t a t e; h e r f u n e r a l, p ro c e s s io n, and b u ria l. R e f e r s t o Pi, a K a u a i m e n e h u n e and e d if ic e s supposedly b u ilt by m e n e h u n e s. S e rie s of p h o to g ra p h s and p a in tin g s c o m m e m o r a t e th e 1980 r e t u r n vo y a g e fro m T a h iti of the double hulled sailing c a n o e H o k u le a. H is to r ic a l g e o g ra p h y p ro v id e s in sight in to the ch a n g in g w ays of H a w a iia n life along the K ona c o a s t of th e island of H aw aii. The y e a r 1825 r e p r e s e n t s an a p p r o x i m a t e d a t e f o r the fin a l f lo r e s c e n c e of th e a n c ie n t H a w a iia n way of life. T r a n s a c tio n s of th e R oyal H a w a iia n A g r ic u ltu ra l S o c ie ty 1 (1851): 99-103. D e s c rib e s e x p e r i e n c e s of a su g a r p l a n t e r with his H a w aiian la b o r e rs. The liz a r d and the axe; a s tu d y of the e f f e c t s of E u ro p e an c o n t a c t on the indigenous la n g u a g e s of P o ly n e sia and Island M e lan esia. N u m e ro u s H a w a iia n e x a m p le s s u p p o rt discussion on bilingualism and le x ic a l and p h o n e m e b o rro w in g. H a n a le i, K auai: E d itions L im ite d, M a ritim e h isto ry of a n c i e n t H aw aii fo c u s e s on th e c a n o e as a c o m m o n d e n o m in a to r of H a w a iia n life. D isc u sse s c a n o e design and building as well as th e uses of the c a n o e in su rfin g, r a c in g, fishing, and w ar. Includes a lis t of o b s e rv a tio n s on H a w aiian c a n o e s m a d e by e ig h t e e n t h and n i n e t e e n t h c e n tu r y W e ste rn e x p lo re rs. C o n ta in s an e x the n s i v e e ig h t p a g e g lo ssa ry of H a w a iia n c a n o e and m a r i n e - r e l a t e d the r m s. T h o u g h tfu l d iscussion, fro m b o th H a w a iia n and W e ste rn p o in ts of view, of n i n e t e e n t h c e n tu r y H a w a iia n le a d e rs. A r t i c u l a t e e x p re s s io n s of a p p r e c ia t io n and c o n c e r n fo r his H a w aiian h e r i t a g e by a p a r t - H a w a i ia n. E x a m in e s the s im ila r ity of t e r m s and f e a t u r e s of the H a w aiian and M aori social and relig io u s o rg a n iz a tio n s. D e s c rip tio n of the ground, building, s t a f f, and r e s id e n ts of th e L unalilo H om e in Honolulu. H a w a iia n s in m a n a g e m e n t: a so c ia l and e c o n o m ic p ro file.

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We assigned points based on categories rather than on continuous values to ensure that one or two hospitals with extremely high volumes did not skew scoring best erectile dysfunction pump discount viagra professional 100 mg without prescription. For almost all measures erectile dysfunction quad mix buy viagra professional 50 mg with mastercard, hospitals in the lowestvolume category received 1 point best male erectile dysfunction pills order 100mg viagra professional otc, medium-volume hospitals received 2 points and high-volume hospitals received 3 points impotence etymology purchase genuine viagra professional on line. An exception is two of the items in the Number of Patients in Orthopedics which received 2 points, 4 points or 6 points respectively for low, medium or high volume. Table 7 identifies the volume measures used by specialty and the points assigned to volume scores within a certain range. Volume Measures by Specialty (continued) Cardiology & Heart Surgery Volume Measures* · Diagnostic cardiac catheterization only (hemodynamic and/or angiographic evaluation) (E8a) Endomyocardial biopsy (with or without a diagnostic procedure) (E8b) Interventional procedure (with or without a diagnostic procedure or biopsy) (E8c) Balloon angioplasty (E8. Volume Measures by Specialty (continued) Diabetes & Endocrinology Volume Measures* Number of patients (max points = 36) · · · · · Type 1 diabetes outpatient visits (C28. Volume Measures by Specialty (continued) Nephrology, continued Volume Measures* Number of patients, 2 years (max points = 14) · Acute kidney injury (G6) · · · · Systemic lupus erythematosus with renal involvement (G16a) Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (G16b) Inpatient admissions and consultations (G18. Volume Measures by Specialty (continued) Neurology and Neurosurgery, continued Volume Measures * Low Volume (1 point) Medium Volume (2 points) 10-19 5-9 30-59 Medium Volume (4 points) High Volume (3 points) 20+ 10+ 60+ High Volume (6 points) Number of patients undergoing surgeries, continued · Vascular cases including endovascular 1-9 procedures (H16j) · Deep brain stimulation for movement 1-4 disorders (H16k) · Craniofacial procedures performed by pediatric 1-29 neurosurgeons (H33) Orthopedics Volume Measures* Number of patients (max points = 21) · · Patients transferred from another hospital for inpatient care (I14. Normalization As of the 2012-13 rankings, all structural measures have been normalized prior to weighting. Normalization transforms index values into a distribution between 0 and 1 based on the range of possible values for a given measure. The formula for normalization is provided in Equation (1): Equation (1) where Xi = the value for measure i and Maximumi = the highest possible value for measure i. If a hospital received 18 out of 33 points, its normalized value for Urology patient volume would be 18/(33-0) = 0. For nurse staffing, which does not have an absolute maximum, we cap the maximum value at 4. Weighting For the 2012-13 rankings, we convened a special panel to provide feedback on the weighting of each measure within the three major rankings components. This evaluation was conducted both across specialties to build in a degree of consistency in weighting, and within specialties to identify keys to quality in a particular specialty. Overall, the weights were determined using input from the project team and working groups based on how important each measure was in defining the Donabedian components of quality of care within hospitals. The weights have been revised slightly for 2019-20, based on changes to the measures used in each specialty. Table 8 shows the relative weight, by specialty, for each measure that makes up the structural component of the specialty rankings. To determine the total structural points for a hospital, multiply the normalized value of each measure by the measure weight. B), a hospital that received 18 out of 33 points for Urology patient volume would have a normalized score of 0. Do this for all measures in a specialty, and then sum the values to determine the total points received. Table 9 identifies the best practices identified for each specialty and the number of points awarded. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty, continued Cancer, continued* (43 points) Engaging in activities designed to ensure high reliability (A39): · All clinical staff are trained in code response using simulations or other team training · Team training includes clear instructions and demonstration of roles and lines of communication · Team training is videotaped to allow review of performance and needs for improvement · Team training includes critical event debriefing or team discussions that focus on identifying what worked well and where improvement is needed · All team training ends with development of an action plan to address problems identified during the training or simulation Having at least 0. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty, continued Cancer, continued* (43 points) Percentage of patients with certain cancer diagnoses, 3-5 years post-therapy, who had formal neuropsychological evaluations in the past year (B28. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty, continued Cardiology & Heart Surgery, continued* (51 points) Engaging in activities designed to ensure high reliability (A39): · All clinical staff are trained in code response using simulations or other team training · Team training includes clear instructions and demonstration of roles and lines of communication · Team training is videotaped to allow review of performance and needs for improvement · Team training includes critical event debriefing or team discussions that focus on identifying what worked well and where improvement is needed · All team training ends with development of an action plan to address problems identified during the training or simulation Number of pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons with subspecialty certification in congenital heart surgery from the American Board of Thoracic Surgery (E2. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty, continued Cardiology & Heart Surgery, continued* (51 points) Engaging in the following surgical safety procedures for cardiac catheterization procedures (E35. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty, continued Diabetes & Endocrinology, continued* (109 points) Maintaining the following certifications (A10. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty, continued Diabetes & Endocrinology, continued* (109 points) Tracking the number of school days missed for diabetes-related reasons (C38) Having 5% or fewer children covered by private insurance miss more than 5 days of school in the past calendar year for diabetes-related reasons (C39a) Having 10% or fewer children covered by Medicaid miss more than 5 days of school in the past calendar year for diabetes-related reasons (C39b) Providing a dedicated team of Type 2 diabetes providers (C40) Distributing patient education materials that address the details of their conditions to patients with the following conditions (C44): · Adrenal insufficiency · Congenital hypothyroidism · Diabetes insipidus Distributing patient education materials to patients that address the potential side effects of taking the following medications (C45): · Anti-thyroid medication · Growth hormone · Cortisol · Oral contraceptive pills Using a clinical database used by the program to evaluate performance (C54 and C54. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty (continued) Diabetes & Endocrinology, continued* (109 points) Participating in multidisciplinary evaluation and management of the following types of patients (C64): · Endocrine complications in hematology/oncology patients · Endocrine complications in post-transplant patients · Metabolic bone disease and osteogenesis imperfecta · Inborn errors of metabolism or evaluation of hypoglycemia Hospitals received 1 point for 1-2 types and 2 points for 3-4 types. Commitment to Best Practices by Specialty (continued) Neonatology* (101 points) Having at least 2.

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