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Anthropomorphic and Non-Anthropomorphic Aspects of Deity in Ancient Mesopotamia (ed sathuragiri herbals cheap ayurslim 60caps mastercard. Many of these powerful beings could be both benevolent and malevolent toward a human zeolite herbals pvt ltd buy generic ayurslim 60caps on line. Enlil yogi herbals delhi order generic ayurslim pills, for example herbs chicken soup purchase ayurslim with paypal, could be gracious or vindictive; family ghosts could be implored for help or ritually expelled to the netherworld; the apkall, the sages of Ea, could assist or afflict humans; Pazuzu was to be feared in his own right as a demon but could also be utilized for apotropaic purposes against Lamashtu. Because the text expresses hope for a beneficent response, one might find words of deference or honor addressed to the supra-human power at the beginning of the communication (see below, for example, on the structure of the incantation-prayer). The perspective and warrants of the text are all that is accessible to modern readers. Because the present definition defines prayer as something directed to benevolent supra-human powers, texts that communicate concerns or desires to malevolent demons, ghosts, witches, illnesses, and other powerful entities are not prayers. The same applies to texts that address themselves to mere humans or no one in particular, benevolent or otherwise. These texts use forms of ritual speech, to be sure (see below); but an investigation of the broader domain of "Mesopotamian ritual speech" goes beyond the present purpose, which is focused on the narrower categories of Mesopotamian prayer and the even more focused category of hymn or praise. Other forms of ritual speech will be brought into the present discussion only in so far as they help delineate the conceptual parameters of prayer and praise by way of contrast (see fig. Second, does the descriptor "communication via words" in the initial definition do justice to the Mesopotamian data about prayer and praise? Despite the prominence and therefore usefulness that verbal communication has for the present purpose (this book does after all deal with language), the answer is negative. Throughout the does justice to the contemporary Muslim practice of alt (ancient Near East, texts that contain or describe prayers and hymns-recognized as such by the initial definition given above-often record or prescribe various bodily gestures. Kippenberg; Visible Religion: Annual for Religious Iconography 3; Leiden: Brill, 1984), 80­105. For a variety of reasons, the descriptions of such practices may not be preserved with the texts to be recited and so may not be as easily identified. Nevertheless, attending to these other features-and therefore adjusting the definition of prayer in light of them-is important in order to avoid a truncated understanding of Mesopotamian prayer and praise. In order to capture the discourse/practice complex that is Mesopotamian prayer, it is advisable to think about most prayers as "ritual-prayers," comprising dromena, that which is done, and legomena, that which is spoken. Obviously the verbal or textual side of prayer is important for the purposes of this volume. We should not neglect to mention the fact that some cylinder seal legends (inscriptions) contained actual prayers in Sumerian and Akkadian. Although probably not intended for speaking aloud, these inscribed supplications were "recited" with each impression of the seal. One might suggest that petitions, easily identified since they are usually expressed grammatically with imperatives or precatives, are essential to identifying and understanding prayers because supplicants seem always to present at least one request in the course of a prayer and sometimes many, many more (as in. For example, in Nabu 1 (see page 325), the petition consists of only one line in twenty, a mere five percent. Moreover, hymns, a subset of prayer, may not contain a petition at all, but occupy themselves with enumerating the character and actions of the deity. Although one might say that concerns/petitions capture important aspects of the content of prayers and hymns, it would be a mistake to absolutize these as the exclusive content of what is communicated in the texts. Although an exhaustive listing is not appropriate here (in some cases, more detail will be presented when various kinds of prayers are introduced), the following are important general elements one will find in the texts. Mesopotamian prayers normally begin with an invocation of the deity by name, which identifies the benevolent supra-human being to whom the prayer is directed. Along with the invocation, for example, one may see a hymnic introduction in which the supplicant praises the deity invoked via a list of divine epithets, attributes, actions, or other features. This introductory praise functions as a kind of formal greeting, a social protocol utilized when a social inferior approaches a social superior with an unsolicited address (see the discussion of shuillas below). When this hymnic element is present, the length varies significantly from as little as one line to a dozen or more. Prayers may also end with praise of thanksgiving, or rather, a promise to give the deity thanks via verbal (see. Another common element of content in prayers is the self-presentation or selfintroduction formula, in which the supplicant identifies their name, filiation, and perhaps personal gods. The supplicant may also voice their concerns in the form of complaints or laments about the problems that have given them reason to seek supra-human assistance. Cultic laments such as balags and ershemmas, composed in Sumerian and used liturgically by the kalы, "cult-singer," fall outside the purview of this study.

A "dead end" does not mean that you cannot arrive at an "answer" herbs and pregnancy best purchase ayurslim, though it does make it somewhat more difficult herbals for hot flashes discount ayurslim 60caps without a prescription. In this situation equine herbals nz order 60 caps ayurslim overnight delivery, as well as in any situation in which the choice between the two leads of a couplet is somewhat or completely ambiguous herbals in chennai order ayurslim australia, it is a good idea to record or remember the location or identity of the ambiguous couplet ("Key N1, couplet 11"), take one lead and see what answer results, then take the other lead and see what answer results. Occasionally, the answer will be the same (some species and genera are keyed in multiple places), but often this will lead you to two contrasting potentially correct answers which must then be compared (see below for advice about testing the "answer" arrived at in a key). Often, you will get an indication that one way is the wrong way because you will be confronted with couplets that do not make sense relative to the plant you have in hand. The Key to the Genera and Families in the Flora of Virginia has been structured in a somewhat novel way, emphasizing vegetative characters (those not involving flowers and fruits). Many professional and amateur users of floras nowadays need or want to name plants throughout the growing season, and not only during the somewhat short periods of time when flowers or fruits may be present on the plant. For this reason, more readily observable features of the growth form of the plant, the arrangement of the leaves, whether it is woody or herbaceous, a vine or not, and other characters that are readily observable over a long period are used as much as possible in the keys, and those vegetative characters are especially used in the early portions of the keys, so that based strictly on more observable and less "technical" characteristics, you can key down to an answer or at least to a relatively small subset of the species in the Flora. In other words, we have tried to minimize the use of difficult choices, ambiguities, and technicalities at all, but when they have proven necessary, we have "pushed them" as far down into the latter parts of keys as possible, so that if a true "dead end" is reached in the key, an identification can possibly be made based on comparison of the relatively few possibilities remaining. Identification keys are a tool, but not an infallible one, and it is therefore critical to confirm your identifications. It is easy to make the dangerous assumption that "it keys to it, so it must be it". You may have made a simple error (such as jumping down a line in the key), or an error of interpretation in deciding between the two leads. The key may be imperfect, having failed to accommodate an unusual species or genus, or unusual conditions (character states) in a species or genus. Or, you may have found a native or alien species not known before from Virginia and therefore not provided for in the key! For these reasons, it is important that you compare your "answer" from keying to the description and drawings in the Flora of Virginia, to written technical descriptions and drawings in other floras (increasingly available online, such as the Flora of North America), to specimens in area herbaria, and to photographic images available in other books and online. The arrangement of leaves (alternate, whorled, or opposite) and their disposition (basal or cauline) is used frequently in the keys. Alternate leaves are attached at the stem 1 per node, opposite leaves 2 per node, and whorled leaves 3 or more per node. Note, however, that alternate leaves are sometimes closely clustered (with very short internodes) and mistakable as whorled or opposite. Note also that some plants (Hypericum, Eupatorium, many Lamiaceae, many others) have a strong tendency to have axillary shoots in the axils of primary leaves; these are often referred to as axillary fascicles. Axillary fascicles tend to have smaller leaves (at least for a time) than the primary leaves and to have short and compressed internodes; these should not be interpreted as whorled if the primary leaves are not whorled. Evergreen plants are those that retain full leaf cover through the winter, while deciduous plants lose their leaves at the end of the growing season (for some species, sometimes well before autumn). Some plants are also described as tardily deciduous or semi-evergreen, meaning that they drop leaves gradually into the winter, so that they are sparsely bedecked with leaves or even bare by the time of initiation of new growth in the spring. Unless you are in a position to observe the plant repeatedly through the seasons, leaf duration must be interpreted, and this can be difficult, especially on herbarium specimens. In general, evergreen leaves tend to be darker green (at least on the upper surface), often shinier, and usually thicker in texture and stiffer than deciduous leaves, but there are exceptions to all these tendencies. It can be helpful to see if the specimen or living plant has two obviously different ages of leaves present: older, tougher, more ragged and insect-eaten leaves of last year as well as younger leaves of the year. Woody plants have substantial secondary or diameter growth of wood, which makes their stems (in general) thicker, stronger, stiffer, and tougher; they also have "perennating structures" (normally buds) borne above ground on their woody stems. Woody plants are further subdivided into trees, shrubs, rosette shrubs, subshrubs, rosette subshrubs, and lianas. Trees are generally more than 5 meters tall at maturity and usually have single stems which are not interconnected by subterranean rhizomes (forming clonal patches). However, some tree species are characteristically multi-trunked or tend to produce a multi-trunked growth form as a result of stump-sprouting following logging, and stressful ecological conditions (such as shallow soil over rock or maritime exposure) can produce trees shorter than 5 meters. Shrubs are generally less than 5 meters tall and are often multistemmed from the base or near it (though some shrubs are characteristically single stemmed); quite a few are also clonal and produce many above-ground stems from a series of interconnected underground rhizomes).

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This reduced the complex task of multiplication to the rather easier task of addition vaadi herbals products review generic ayurslim 60caps free shipping. A few years later herbals aps pvt ltd purchase ayurslim 60 caps line, William Oughtred invented the slide rule himalaya herbals india ayurslim 60 caps with mastercard, a means of multiplying numbers that used scales engraved on two wooden (and later plastic) rules that were moved against each other herbs los gatos order 60 caps ayurslim with amex. The number scales were logarithmic and converted multiplication into addition because adding the logarithms of two numbers performs their multiplication. The slide rule became the standard means of carrying out engineering calculations and was in common use until the 1960s. After the mid-1970s, the introduction of the electronic calculator killed off slide rules. During the seventeenth century, major advances were made in watch-making; for example, in 1656 Christiaan Huygens designed the first pendulum-controlled clock. The art of watch-making helped develop the gear wheels required by mechanical calculators. In 1642, the French scientist Blaise Pascal designed a simple mechanical adder and subtracter using gear wheels with ten positions marked on them. In other words, if two wheels show 58 and the right-hand wheel is rotated two positions forward, it moved to the 0 position and advanced the 5 to 6 to get 60. Computer History ­ An Overview Page 5 Alan Clements Computer Organization and Architecture: Themes and Variations, 1st Edition could perform addition only. Subtraction was possible by the adding of complements; for example, the tens complement of 2748 is 9999 ­ 2748 + 1 = 7251 + 1 = 7252. These two answers are the same apart from the leading 1 in the complementary addition which is ignored. This a technique that was later adopted by digital computers to perform binary subtraction by the addition of compliments. In fact, Wilhelm Schickard, rather than Pascal, is now generally credited with the invention of the first mechanical calculator. Such near simultaneous developments have been a significant feature of the history of computer hardware. Within a few decades, mechanical computing devices advanced to the stage where they could perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division-all the operations required by armies of clerks to calculate the trigonometric functions we mentioned earlier. A weaving loom passes a shuttle pulling a horizontal thread to and fro between vertical threads held in a frame. By changing the color of the thread pulled by the shuttle and selecting whether the shuttle passes in front of or behind the vertical threads, you can weave a particular pattern. In 1801, Joseph Jacquard designed a loom that could automatically weave a predetermined pattern. The information necessary to control the loom was stored in the form of holes cut in cards-the presence or absence of a hole at a certain point controlled the behavior of the loom. Information was read by rods that pressed against the card and either went through a hole, or were stopped by the card. Some complex patterns required as many as 10,000 cards, which were strung together in the form of a tape. If you think about it, the punched card contains a recipe for a pattern-or a program. Computer History ­ An Overview Page 6 Alan Clements Computer Organization and Architecture: Themes and Variations, 1st Edition the notion of a program appears elsewhere in the mechanical world. A clockwork mechanism rotates a drum whose surface is embedded with spikes or pins. As the drum rotates, a pin sticking out of the drum meets one of the strips and drags the strip along with it. By tuning each strip to a suitable musical note, a tune can be played as the drum rotates. The location of the pegs on the surface of the drum determines the sequence of notes played.

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