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By: S. Gnar, M.S., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans

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Macrophages are the first to encounter pathogens in the tissues but they are soon re-inforced by the recruitment of large numbers of neutrophils to sites of infection antimicrobial index buy ofloxacin 200mg. All the cellular elements of blood 5 infection control procedures buy ofloxacin without prescription, including the lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system antibiotics zone of inhibition chart trusted 200 mg ofloxacin, arise from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow antibiotic of choice for uti buy generic ofloxacin on line. These pluripotent cells divide to produce two more specialized types of stem cells, a common lymphoid progenitor that gives rise to the T and B lymphocytes responsible for adaptive immunity, and a common myeloid progenitor that gives rise to different types of leukocytes (white blood cells), erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen), and the megakaryocytes that produce platelets that are important in blood clotting. A third lineage of lymphoid-like cells, the natural killer cells, derive from the same progenitor cell but lack the antigen-specificity that is the hallmark of the adaptive immune response (not shown). The leukocytes that derive from the myeloid stem cell are the monocytes, the dendritic cells, and the basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils. The latter three are collectively termed either granulocytes, because of the cytoplasmic granules whose characteristic staining gives them a distinctive appearance in blood smears, or polymorphonuclear leukocytes, because of their irregularly shaped nuclei. They circulate in the blood and enter the tissues only when recruited to sites of infection or inflammation where neutrophils are recruited to phagocytose bacteria. Immature dendritic cells travel via the blood to enter peripheral tissues, where they ingest antigens. When they encounter a pathogen, they mature and migrate to lymphoid tissues, where they activate antigen-specific T lymphocytes. Macrophages and neutrophils recognize pathogens by means of cell-surface receptors that can discriminate between the surface molecules displayed by pathogens and those of the host. Pathogens can also interact with macrophages and neutrophils through receptors for complement borne on these cells. As we will see in the second part of the chapter, the complement system is activated rapidly in response to many types of infection, producing complement proteins that opsonize the surface of pathogens as they enter the tissues. Ligation of many of the cell-surface receptors that recognize pathogens leads to phagocytosis of the pathogen, followed by its death inside the phagocyte. Phagocytosis is an active process, in which the bound pathogen is first surrounded by the phagocyte membrane and then internalized in a membrane-bounded vesicle known as a phagosome, which becomes acidified. In addition to being phagocytic, macrophages and neutrophils have granules, called lysosomes, that contain enzymes, proteins, and peptides that can mediate an intracellular antimicrobial response. The phagosome fuses with one or more lysosomes to generate a phagolysosome in which the lysosomal contents are released to destroy the pathogen. Phagocytes bear several different receptors that recognize microbial components and induce phagocytosis. Upon phagocytosis, macrophages and neutrophils also produce a variety of other toxic products that help kill the engulfed microorganism. Neutrophils are short-lived cells, dying soon after they have accomplished a round of phagocytosis. Dead and dying neutrophils are a major component of the pus that forms in some infections; bacteria that give rise to such infections are thus known as pyogenic bacteria. Macrophages, on the other hand, are long-lived and continue to generate new lysosomes. People with this defect are unusually susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, especially in infancy. Bactericidal agents produced or released by phagocytes on the ingestion of microorganisms. Some of them are toxic; others, such as lactoferrin, work by binding essential nutrients and preventing their uptake by the bacteria. The same substances can be released by phagocytes interacting with large antibody-coated surfaces such as parasitic worms or host tissues. As these agents are also toxic to host cells, phagocyte activation can cause extensive tissue damage during an infection. Macrophages can make this response immediately on encountering an infecting microorganism and this can be sufficient to prevent an infection from becoming established. The great cellular immunologist Elie Metchnikoff believed that the innate response of macrophages encompassed all host defense and, indeed, it is now clear that invertebrates, such as the sea star that he was studying, rely entirely on innate immunity for their defense against infection. Although this is not the case in humans and other vertebrates, the innate response of macrophages still provides an important front line of host defense that must be overcome if a microorganism is to establish an infection that can be passed on to a new host. A key feature that distinguishes pathogenic from nonpathogenic micro-organisms is their ability to overcome innate immune defenses. Pathogens have developed a variety of strategies to avoid being immediately destroyed by macrophages. Many extracellular pathogenic bacteria coat themselves with a thick polysaccharide capsule that is not recognized by any phagocyte receptor.

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This is accomplished in part by incorporating host antigens into their external cuticular layer treatment for dogs gum disease generic ofloxacin 200 mg on line. They may be involved directly in causing invasive or superficial (infestation) disease processes or indirectly as intermediate hosts and vectors of many infectious agents antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery purchase 400mg ofloxacin overnight delivery. In addition antimicrobial floor mats ofloxacin 200mg online, envenomation by biting and stinging arthropods can result in adverse reactions in humans bacteria game purchase ofloxacin 400mg with mastercard. Although the various human parasites exhibit a wide range of direct pathogenic mechanisms, in most instances, the organisms themselves are not highly virulent, are unable to replicate within the host, or have both characteristics. Thus the severity of illness caused by many parasites is related to the infecting dose and the number of organisms acquired over time. Unlike many bacterial and viral infections, parasitic infections are often chronic, lasting months to years. When infection with a particular organism is associated with a strong immune response, there is undoubtedly a considerable immunopathologic contribution to the disease manifestations attributed to the infection. Important factors to consider when discussing parasite pathogenicity are listed in Box 69-1. Parasites are almost always exogenous to the human host and thus must enter the body through ingestion or direct penetration of anatomic barriers. Inoculum size and duration of exposure greatly influence the disease-causing potential of an organism. For example, pathogenic strains of Entamoeba histolytica are unlikely to cause disease on exposure to intact skin but may cause severe dysentery after oral ingestion. In addition, some parasites physically obstruct and damage organs and tissues because of their size alone. This chapter discusses factors that are important for parasite pathogenicity and provides examples of organisms and disease processes related to each factor. Transmission of parasitic diseases is frequently facilitated by environmental contamination with human and animal wastes. This is most applicable to diseases transmitted by the fecal-oral route but also applies to helminthic infections such as hookworm disease and strongyloidiasis, which rely on larval penetration of the skin. Transmission of disease in this manner is extraordinarily effective, as evidenced by the widespread distribution of diseases such as malaria, trypanosomiasis, and filariasis. This compilation should not be considered exhaustive; rather, the list provides examples of some of the more common parasites and the means by which they enter the human body. Additional factors that determine the outcome of the interaction between parasite and host are route of exposure and inoculum size. Most human parasites have a limited range of organs or tissues in which they can replicate or survive. For example, simple skin contact with most intestinal protozoa does not result in disease; rather, the organisms must be ingested for the disease process to be initiated. Although some parasitic diseases may be acquired by ingestion or inoculation of only a few organisms, a sizable inoculum is usually required. Whereas an individual may acquire malaria by a single bite of an infected female mosquito, large inocula are usually necessary to produce diseases such as amebiasis in humans. The life cycle of a parasite is based on species and tissue tropisms, which determine the organs or tissues of the host in which a parasite can survive. Attachment of the parasite to host cells or tissue can be relatively nonspecific, can be mediated by mechanical or biting mouthparts, or can result from the interaction between structures on the parasite surface known as adhesins and specific glycoprotein or glycolipid receptors found on some cell types but not on others. Specific surface structures that facilitate parasite adhesion include surface glycoproteins. These organisms are virtually always acquired from an exogenous source and as such have evolved numerous ways to enter the body of the human host. Examples of some of the adherence mechanisms identified in human parasites are listed in Table 69-2. The pathogenesis of invasive amebiasis requires adherence of amebae to the colonic mucosal layer, parasite attachment to and lysis of colonic epithelium and acute inflammatory cells, and resistance of the amebic trophozoites to host humoral and cell-mediated immune defense mechanisms. Binding of the galactose-inhibitable adherence lectin to carbohydrates on the host cell surface is required for E.

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Unlike cellulitis bacteria during pregnancy buy 200 mg ofloxacin with visa, which can be treated with antibiotic therapy treatment for dogs bite buy ofloxacin without a prescription, fasciitis must also be treated aggressively with surgical debridement of infected tissue antibiotics for sinus infection nz order generic ofloxacin from india. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (Clinical Case 19-1) Although the incidence of severe S aatcc 100 antimicrobial fabric test purchase line ofloxacin. Patients with this syndrome initially experience soft-tissue inflammation at the site of the infection, pain, and nonspecific symptoms such as fever, chills, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, in contrast with staphylococcal disease, most patients with streptococcal disease are bacteremic, and many have necrotizing fasciitis. The production of pyrogenic exotoxins, particularly SpeA and SpeC, is also a prominent feature of these organisms. The patient presented with a 3-day history of malaise, diffuse myalgia, and low-grade fever. The patient was a 46-year-old man who was scratched on his forearm by his German shepherd dog and then reopened the wound while at work the next day. The following evening, he developed a low-grade fever, chills, backache, and myalgia. When he presented to the local emergency department, minimal erythema and a thin serous discharge were noted at the wound site. Cultures of the wound and blood were collected, and intravenous antibiotics were started. Because the erythema over the wound had spread and multiple bullae formed on the wound surface, the patient was taken to surgery, where yellowish fluid in the muscle tissues was drained. Cultures from the surgical site, as well as the original wound cultures, grew Streptococcus pyogenes. Following surgical debridement, the patient continued to decline, with the development of abnormal liver function, renal failure, pulmonary distress, and cardiac abnormalities. The patient developed persistent hypotension and died 3 days after admission to the hospital. The fulminant progression of this disease and multiorgan failure underlines the need for aggressive medical intervention. In addition, rheumatic fever is associated with streptococcal pharyngitis but not cutaneous streptococcal infections. As would be expected, the epidemiologic characteristics of the disease mimic those of streptococcal pharyngitis. It is most common in young school-age children, with no male or female predilection, and occurs primarily during the cooler months of the fall or winter. The disease occurs most commonly in patients with severe streptococcal pharyngitis; however, as many as one third of patients have asymptomatic or mild infection. Rheumatogenic strains induce a vigorous antibody response in all patients with pharyngitis. Rheumatic fever can recur with a subsequent streptococcal infection if antibiotic prophylaxis is not used. Because no specific diagnostic test can identify patients with rheumatic fever, the diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical findings and documented evidence of a recent S. The absence of an elevated or rising antibody titer would be strong evidence against rheumatic fever. Acute Glomerulonephritis the second nonsuppurative complication of streptococcal disease is glomerulonephritis, which is characterized by acute inflammation of the renal glomeruli with edema, hypertension, hematuria, and proteinuria. Specific nephritogenic strains of group A streptococci are associated with this disease. In contrast with rheumatic fever, acute glomerulonephritis is a sequela of both pharyngeal and pyodermal streptococcal infections; however, the nephrogenic M serotypes differ for the two primary diseases. The epidemiologic characteristics of the disease are similar to those of the initial streptococcal infection.

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